Frog Skeleton

Cards (28)

    • Maxilla – Forms the upper jawbone
    • Atlast – The top part of a backbone
    • Suprascapula – Shoulder blade
    • Vertebrae – Individual bones that form the spine
    • Sacral Vertebra – A bone below the last vertebra, positioned between the hips
    • Urostyle – A long, thin bone at the base of the lower vertebrates
    • Ilium – A flat bone stretching backward from the Sacral Vertebra
    • Femur – Upper bone of the rear limb
    • Tibiofibula – A single bone commonly known as the shinbone
    • Tarsus – Several bones formed between the Tibiofibula and Metatarsus
    • Metatarsus – Bones forming the foot of a limb
    • Phalanges – Several bones forming fingers or toes of a limb
    • Humerus – Upper bone of the front limb
    • Radio-ulna – A forelimb bone
  • Cranium – The front of a frog’s cranium is more developed than the back. It serves to protect the brain.
  • Sense Capsules – Cartilaginous cavities which contain the sensory organs: eyes, nose, etc.
  • Jaws – The upper and lower jaws support the border of the mouth.
    • Episternum is the upper part of the sternum.
    • Omosternum is in between the episternum and clavicle on a frog.
    • Clavicle is essentially a frog’s collarbone. It is in between the shoulder and sternum.
    • Humerus is the first bone in the front leg of a frog. It runs between the shoulder and elbow.
    • Procoracoid is the amphibian equivalent of a coracoid 
    • Sternum is connected between each half of the pectoral girdle, between the Xiphisternum and Propcoracoid.
    • Xiphisternum is the lowest piece of the sternum.
    • Ilium – A bone forming the upper part of the pelvis
    • Urostyle – Formed from fused vertebrae at the base of the backbone
    • Acetabulum – A socket of a frog’s hip, in which the femur bone fits
    • Ischium – A curved bone at the base of the pelvis