
Cards (9)

  • Masculinity
    The qualities traditionally associated with men, such as strength, courage and ruthlessness
  • Macbeth at the start of the play
    • Viewed as an honourable and masculine character
    • Behaves like a fearless warrior
    • Acts how people expected men to act at the time - with honour and fearlessness
  • Macbeth goes against the idea of the honourable man; He is viewed as an evil character
  • Ways Macbeth goes against the idea of the honourable man
    • Lies to Banquo (his best friend)
    • Brings King Duncan into his home and then kills him
    • Kills Duncan whilst he is defenceless, going against fighting rules
  • Macbeth
    • Allows women to control and manipulate him
    • His masculinity is threatened when events get worse
  • Lady Macbeth
    A woman with masculine traits who wants to have her femininity removed
  • Lady Macbeth
    • Wishes she could be more masculine - wants strength, courage and ruthlessness
    • Attacks Macbeth's masculinity when he shows doubts about the murder
    • Has some masculine traits herself
  • Lady Macbeth: '"Come you spirits / That tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here / And fill me from the crown to the toe topfull / Of direst cruelty"'
  • Madness was seen as a disorder that only affected women