complete combustion produces carbon dioxide and water
incomplete combustion produces carbon monoxide and water or carbon and water
The burning of fuel and oxygen to release energy
Surface area speeds the rate of reaction as particles are around the reactant more
pressure lowers space available meaning more collisions
temperature particles gain heat energy and move faster and collide
more concentration means more particles of reactant which makes collisions more likely
Catalysts are chemicals added to speed up the reaction
mass can neither be created nor destroyed in ordinary chemical and physical changes
precipitation: the action or process of precipitating a substance from a solution, double displacement reaction
decomposition: when one compound is broken down to produce two or more compounds
double displacement involves two compounds, single involves element and compound
corrosion is the formation of compounds on the surface of a metal. this occurs at different rates based on the reactivity of the metal
metal+oxygen=metal oxide (corrosion)
decomposition reaction occurs when one reactant breaks down into two or more products. it can be catalyses by energy input in form of heat electricity or light
AB= A + B (decomposition)
isotope is a variation of the same element with a different number of neutrons in the nucleus
isotopes can be stable or unstable (radioisotope), stable have nuclei and are non radioactive, unstable have unstable nuclei, radioactive
soluble salts can dissolve in water, insoluble require the presence of specific ions to dissolve
ex. isotope - Carbon-12 and carbon-14
polymers are large molecules made of monomers, biopolymers occur naturally
natural radioactivity arises from the decay of nuclei in atoms, releasing particles and energy
alpha decay- releases helium nucleus, mass number decreases by 4, atomic number decreases by 2
beta decay- loss of an electron, mass stays the same but atomic number increases by 1 , write electron symbol
gamma decay, excited state to lose energy (photons), no change in mass or number
half life is the time that takes a radioactive isotope to decay 50% of its atomic mass
nuclear fission is when a larger atom splits into two or more smaller ones, low energy
nuclear fusion is when two or more lighter atoms form into a larger one, high energy
chemical reactions involve energy transfer
respiration: oxygen + glucose - carbon dioxide + energy (ATP)
chemical reactions occur in living systems and involve energy transfer, ex, respiration and reactions involving acids in digestion