Muscle grading when there is no muscle contraction (paralysis)
muscle strength when there is only a slight flicker of contraction (severe weakness)
muscle strength grade when there is passive ROM (poor ROM)
muscle strength grade when there is active motion against gravity (average weakness)
Active motion against some resistance (slight weakness)
muscle strength grade for active motion against full resistance (normal)
nudge test
Simple test of balance recovery. Subjects stand with feet close together. The examiner pushes with light even pressure over the sternum three times.
Scissors gait
Gait problem characterized by spastic lower limbs, and movement on stiff, jerky movement. Knees are together and legs cross in front of another
Parkinsonian gait
gait problem characterized by shuffling gait, very stiff manner with stooped over posture with flexed hips and knees
steppage gait
gait problem characterized by a foot drop walk and person flexing and raising the knee higher than usual
Spastic hemiparesis
gait problem characterized by flexed arm held close to body while client drags toe of leg
lasegue’s test
straight leg raise test
unequal leg length may indicate?
Phalen’s test and tinel’s test
Test for carpal tunnel syndrome
Tinel’s test
It is performed by lightly tapping (percussing) over the nerve to elicit a sensation of tingling or "pins and needles" in the distribution of the nerve
Congenital condition wherein two or more digits are fused together
congenital condition wherein there are supernumerary fingers or toes
genu varum
deformity in which one or both legs are bent outward at the knee
bow leggedness
another term for genu varum
genu valgum
a deformity in which the legs are curved inward, so that the knees are close together and strike each other as the person walks, and the ankles are widely separated
bulge knee test
test for swelling that involves stroking the knee and observing the medial side for bulging
ballotement test
test for swelling that involves pressing the knee to milk fluid behind patella and tapping the patella for rebound
characterized by decreased ROM with synovial thickening and crepitation