3.3 Potential aspects of hosting a major sporting event

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  • During the event: Positive
    • Improved infrastructure and transport which improves tourism E.g. new accommodation, public transport & roads are built.
    • Improved national pride which gives people a feel good factor. People will be displaying flags etc... this improves the mood of the country especially if the team/individual is successful.
    • Commercial gains as there are more visitors spending money on hotels, transport, merchandise, bars and restaurants. The local economy gets a boost.
  • During the event: Negatives
    • Increase in transport and visitors means more pollution, litter and noise which has an effect on the environment
    • Major sporting events may increase the risk of crime and terrorism.
    • Poor performance of a team can reduce the national pride
    • Some sporting events are shadowed by negative media coverage of scandals such as drugs
  • Immediate and longer term post-event: Positives
    • New Sporting Facilities for the community to use
    • Sport participation through media coverage, increase in interest and role models
    • Infrastructure such as roads, cafes, hotels, businesses and restaurants
  • Immediate and longer term post-event: Negatives
    • The event might have costed more to host than the revenue generated leaving a debt for taxpayers.
    • Sports facilities unused after the event for example Rio’s Olympic facilities have remained unused or demolished. The upkeep to maintain them maybe too costly
    • A loss in national reputation/status if the event was badly organised, the host nation’s participants performed badly, or scandals emerged.