Vacuoles in Cells

Cards (10)

  • Vacuoles
    Sacks of fluid enclosed by a membrane
  • Vacuoles in animal cells
    • Temporary structures
  • Vacuoles in plant cells
    • Large permanent structures
  • Tonoplast
    Membrane surrounding the plant cell vacuole
  • Cell sap

    Fluid contained in the plant cell vacuole, can contain dissolved sugars, mineral salts, amino acids, and other molecules
  • Molecules in cell sap

    • Poisonous chemicals to deter herbivores
    • Colored pigments to attract pollinators
    • Waste chemicals produced by the plant cell
  • Cell sap has low water potential

    Water moves into the plant cell by osmosis and enters the vacuole
  • Turgidity
    Hydrostatic pressure acting outwards, causing the cytoplasm to press against the cell wall, supporting the plant
  • Phagocytosis
    1. Pathogen engulfed by white blood cell
    2. Pathogen contained in phagocytic vacuole
    3. Lysosomes fuse with phagocytic vacuole
    4. Lysosomal enzymes destroy pathogen
  • Vacuoles play a role in the removal of waste materials in animal cells