earthquake casestudy (chille and nepal)

Cards (20)

  • chile is a HIC
  • nepal is a LIC
  • chile experienced an earthqake in 2010
  • chile's earthqake occored on a destrucive plate margin
  • chile's earthqake occured in the pacific ocean and triggered a tsunami
  • chiles earthqake mesured 8.8 on the richter scale
  • napal had an earthqake in 2015
  • nepals earthqake was caused by a destructive plate margin
  • in nepals earthqake huge avalanches and landslides were triggered in the himalayas witch run through nepal
  • how many were killed in chile?
  • how many were killed in nepal?
  • how many people in nepal were left homeless?
    3 million
  • how much did the chile earthqake cost
    estimated cost of USD $30 billion
  • how much did the nepal earthqake cost?
    estimated USD $5 billion
  • nepals landslides blocked rivers witch led to flooding
  • in chile a fire broke out in a chemial plant due to burst pipes
  • chiles inmmediate responces were: emergency serveces where deployed quickly and serchand rescue teams were sent out, within 24 hours temperary repares where made to the route 5 north- south highway
  • nepals immidiate responces: international aid arrived, feild hospictals were set up
  • chie long term responces: set up a national housing construction plan, foren aid was not relied on and they had money
  • nepal long term responces: government intreduced stricter building codes