diet, exercise and disease 2.2.6

Cards (13)

  • obesity is a medical condition where the patient accumulates excess body fat, it can cause reduced life expectancy and/or increased health problems
  • the causes of obesity are eating too much food and not exercising enough, this happens when the energy intake is higher than the energy output
  • for someone who is obese, energy consumption > energy expenditure
  • for someone who is underweight, energy consumption < energy expenditure
  • we need some fat to use as an energy store, to insulate organs and to keep you warm
  • obesity can cause strokes due to high blood pressure in the brains arteries
  • obesity can cause heart attacks due to coronary heart disease and high blood pressure
  • obesity can cause joint problems such as arthritis due to too much inflimation
  • obesity can cause diabetes due to liver cells not being able to control blood glucose
  • the benefits of exercise are bigger lungs, more muscle tissue, fitter hearts, bigger muscles, balanced cholesterol and improved mental health
  • BMI is used as a measure to see if you are over or underweight
  • BMI is easy to calculate and allows doctors to quickly work out if a patient is at risk of developing illness associated with obesity
  • however, BMI doesnt work for children and muscle has a higher density than fat so rugby players and body builders could be classed as obese, furthermore, it doesnt account for pregnant women