obesity is a medical condition where the patient accumulates excess body fat, it can cause reducedlifeexpectancy and/or increasedhealthproblems
the causes of obesity are eating too much food and not exercising enough, this happens when the energy intake is higher than the energy output
for someone who is obese, energy consumption > energy expenditure
for someone who is underweight, energy consumption < energy expenditure
we need somefat to use as an energystore, to insulateorgans and to keep you warm
obesity can cause strokes due to highbloodpressure in the brainsarteries
obesity can cause heart attacks due to coronary heart disease and high blood pressure
obesity can cause jointproblems such as arthritis due to too much inflimation
obesity can cause diabetes due to liver cells not being able to control blood glucose
the benefits of exercise are bigger lungs, more muscle tissue, fitter hearts, bigger muscles, balanced cholesterol and improved mentalhealth
BMI is used as a measure to see if you are over or underweight
BMI is easy to calculate and allows doctors to quickly work out if a patient is at risk of developingillness associated with obesity
however, BMI doesnt work for children and muscle has a higherdensity than fat so rugby players and body builders could be classed as obese, furthermore, it doesnt account for pregnant women