When an individual gives up their autonomy and moral responsibility to an authority figure. In this state, the individual perceives themselves as an agent of the authority figure and is willing to carry out their commands, even if it goes against their own moral code.
Milgram's initial interest in obedience was sparked by the trial of Adolf Eichmann's justification in 1961 for the horrific crimes he committed, despite the harm he knew he was causing.
Led Milgram to propose that obedience to destructive authority occurs because a person does not take responsibility. Instead they believe they are acting for someone else i.e. they are an agent.
Autonomous state, this is where we are independent and have free will over our actions, so the person behave according to their own principles and feels a sense of
responsibility for their own actions.
'Autonomy' means to be independent/free.
• When we perceive someone to be higher up the social hierarchy than us we
are likely to act as an agent for them, believing that it is not our responsibility
but instead we are simply following orders. This is called acting in a mental
‘agentic state.’
To shift from autonomy to ‘agency’ is called ‘the agentic shift’.
BINDING FACTORS We might feel a sense of anxiety or moral
strain if what we are doing is wrong, but we are
powerless as we are in a lower position in the
social hierarchy.
Binding factors are those that keep you in the
agentic state, even when we want to disobey.
These factors reduce our anxiety such as
reassuring ourselves it is not our
responsibility, justify your actions by
minimising the impact or blaming the victim
This explanation suggests that people will obey someone they perceive to be ‘above’ them in the social hierarchy,
and therefore think they have the right to give orders.
• This is linked with the uniform factor, as a uniform conveys
a sense of legitimacy and authority.
• This authority is ‘rightful’, as it is agreed by society that it
is necessary for some people to be able to tell others
what to do in some situations.
DESTRUCTIVE AUTHORITY • This is when legitimate authority becomes
destructive, such as Hitler, Stalin etc
• This is when power is used for damaging
• In Milgram's experiment, the experimenter
displayed destructive authority when they were
prodding and encouraging the teacher, making the
participants go against their own moral
judgement and potentially kill another human
Agentic state
A state in which a person sees themselves as an agent of the authority figure, rather than as an autonomous individual