Research into stages of attachment

Cards (3)

  • Schaffer and Emersons research
    > To investigate the formation of early attachments, the age at which they develop and who they are directed to
    > Longitudinal study on 60 working class newborn infants and their mothers from glasgow
    > Visited every month for the first year and then again at 18 months
    > Observations and interviews conducted with the mothers
  • Schaffer and Emersons research
    > Attachment was measured in two ways
    • Separation anxiety - assessed by the infant being left alone in a room, or the researcher asking the mother how the infant reacts in this instance
    • Stranger anxiety - assessed by the researcher starting each home visit by approaching the infant to see if this distressed the child
    > Researchers asked the mothers questions such as who the infants smiled at
  • Schaffer and Emersons research
    1. Asocial - Infants behaviour to adults and inanimate objects was similar.
    2. Indiscriminate - Infants show a preference to people over inanimate objects but usually do not show stranger or separation anxiety
    3. Around 7 months infants start to form attachments and show separation and strangers anxiety when separated - 65% with mother
    4. Multiple - By 1 year most infants had multiple attachments. At 18 months, 75% of children had an attachment with their father.
    > CONCLUSION - Infants form attachments in stages, multiple attachments can be formed