Historically fathers are seen as secondary caregivers and mothers primary however research shows that fathers can also become a primary caregiver to a child
Schaffer and Emerson (1964) research of 60 infants found that the majority formed a primary attachment to the mother first. However by 18 months 75% of infants formed a. Attachment to the farther as babies protested when their fathers walked away
Tiffany field study found when fathers are the primary caregiver they adopt behaviours traditionally associated with the mother such as being more nurturing and increased reciprocity to child's needs this shows that attachment is less about gender and more about responsiveness and sensitivity to child's needs
Tiffany field filmed4month of babies in facetofaceinteractions with
Primary caregiver mothers and fathers and secondary caregivers farther
She found primary caregiver mothers and fathers spent more time imitating and smiling and holding babies than secondary caregiver fathers
This suggeststhatfathersareable, ifrequired, totakeonthemorecaring, nurturingroleusuallyassociatedwith the mother.
Grossman2002 conducted a longitudinal study that father's role is more important in play and the quality of child's play with father is linked to goodqualityadolescent attachment
Some researchers claim that men are not equipped to form an attachment. The hormone oxytocin underlies caring behaviour in women and the lack of estrogen is why men are unable to form close attachment Other researchers argue that fathers do not take on a caregiver role and in fact provide a different role asa playmate. Some researchers argue that fathers can demonstrate sensitive responsiveness and respond to the needs of their children and therefore can forma strong emotional bond just as a mother can
What is one strength of research into the role of the father?