The effects of living in an institutional setting, such as an orphanage or hospital, for extended periods, often leading to developmental issues.
What are the key features of institutional care?
Little emotional care.
Lack of consistent caregivers.
Limited opportunities for attachment formation.
What are the main effects of institutionalization?
Disinhibited attachment.
Intellectual delay.
Social and emotional development issues.
What is disinhibited attachment?
form of insecure attachment where children are overly friendly and indiscriminate in forming bonds with strangers.
Who conducted key research on the effects of institutionalization?
Rutter et al. (2011) – the English and Romanian Adoptee (ERA) study.
What were the key findings of Rutter et al.'s study?
Romanian orphans adopted before 6 months had normal development.
Those adopted after 6 months showed disinhibited attachment and intellectual delay.
Long-term effects depended on the age of adoption.Romanian orphans adopted before 6 months had normal development.
Those adopted after 6 months showed disinhibited attachment and intellectual delay.
Long-term effects depended on the age of adoption.
What is the role of the critical period in institutionalization?
Bowlby’s critical period suggests early deprivation (especially in the first6 months) can lead to long-term negative effects on attachment and development.