Influence of early attachment on later relationships

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  • What is the continuity hypothesis?
    The idea that early attachment types are consistent and influence later relationships.
  • What is an internal working model (IWM)?
    A mental representation of relationships based on the primary attachment, which guides future relationships
  • According to Bowlby, how does the IWM influence later relationships?

    Secure attachments lead to healthy, trusting relationships, whereas insecure attachments may result in difficulties.
  • How does early attachment influence childhood friendships?
    Securely attached children tend to have better social skills and peer relationships, while insecure children may struggle with social interactions.
  • What did Hazan and Shaver’s (1987) ‘Love Quiz’ study investigate?

    The relationship between early attachment types and later romantic relationships.
  • What were the findings of Hazan and Shaver’s study?
    Securely attached individuals had more stable and long-lasting relationships. Insecure-avoidant individuals were more likely to fear intimacy. Insecure-resistant individuals were more prone to jealousy and possessiveness.
  • What is the impact of early attachment on parenting styles?
    People tend to parent based on their IWM, meaning secure attachment types are more likely to raise securely attached children
  • What are the key criticisms of research on the influence of early attachment?
    Correlation does not imply causation. Retrospective data may lack accuracy. Overemphasis on early experiences, ignoring later life factors.
  • How might insecure attachment influence adult romantic relationships?
    Avoidant: difficulty with intimacy and emotional closeness. Resistant: clinginess, jealousy, and fear of abandonment.Avoidant: difficulty with intimacy and emotional closeness. Resistant: clinginess, jealousy, and fear of abandonment.
  • What is the role of life events in modifying the influence of early attachment?
    Later experiences, such as positive relationships or therapy, can alter the impact of early attachment, showing attachment isn’t fixed.