In-depth detailed investigations on an individual, small group of people or institution
AO1 - qual/quant
Can collect both qualitative and quantitative data using triangulation, interviews, observations and experiments
AO1 - longitudinal
Can be longitudinal to study a....changes over time/look at rare/unique case behaviour
AO1 - prim/sec data
Can use primary date (e.g. observations of patient) or secondary (e.g. hospital notes)
:) Ecological Validity
documentation of experience that has already occurred in a natural manner e.g. car accident, so no control from researchers. T/f high external validity, BD naturally occurring, generalisable
:) Rich qualitative data
variety of methods including triangulation, observations + interviews. T/f improve validity of findings (if all methods = same data then valid)
:( Population validity
case studies based on single, one-off unique case BD patient. T/f lack external validity, unrepresentative, can't be generalised
:( Ethics
Longitudinal study on one person can be invasive, cause long-term psychological harm. T/f unethical as doesn't protect from harm