3.4.1 Efficiency

Cards (7)

  • Different types of efficiency:
    -Allocative efficiency (a type of static efficiency)
    -Productive efficiency (a type of static efficiency)
    -X-inefficiency (a type of static efficiency)
    -Dynamic efficiency
  • Allocative efficiency:
    When scarce resources are used to produce goods which maximises consumer welfare.
    The allocatively efficient quantity of a good is where P=MC.
  • How can firms improve allocative efficiency:
    -By reducing prices so that they're closer to MC
    -By developing new products that better satisfy consumers.
  • Productive efficiency:
    Achieved when production takes place at lowest average cost.
    On a diagram, productive efficiency occurs when a firm is producing at the lowest point on AC.
  • X-inefficiency:
    Occurs when a firm fails to minimise its AC at a given level of output.
    On a diagram, X-inefficiency is shown by a firm having an AC above its AC curve.
  • What are the causes of X-inefficiency?
    -Poor management resulting in overemployment of factors of production which unnecessarily increases costs
    -Higher pay than necessary due to trade union action
  • Dynamic efficiency:
    Occurs when allocative and productive efficiency improve over time
    Usually this occurs when firms make SNP -> can be used for R&D -> this can either lead to improved products for consumers (improved allocative eff) OR it can lead to improved production processes which reduce AC (improve productive eff).