plays an important role in bk 1 - secures Zeus' approval for Ody's release from Calypso
then she visits Telemachus
she links Olympus, Odysseus and Ithaca
her presence is felt in the Phaeacia books
she provides Ody with the olive-bush bed, clothes via Nausicaa, directions to the palace, an audience in the assembly and witnesses to his winning discus shot
bk 13 - Athene engages with him as if she is talking to an equal
she appears as a shepherd boy
when he asks where he is, she says he must be a simpleton not to know
only she could address him like this and not get a hostile, indignant response
Athene lets him finish his lying tale
now a tall, beautful woman, she teasingly caresses him with her hand and mocks him for being a trickster who cannot resist making up stories
the 2 act like partners in crime, delighting in their talent for ingenuity and ready to embark upon a cunning scheme to defeat the Suitors
Athene helps P, prompting her to action, beautifying her or sending her to sleep as needed