
Cards (20)

  • Birth rate
    the number of live births per thousand of population per year
  • Reasons for decline in birth rate
    - changes in women's position
    - decline in the infant mortality rate
    - children are now an economic liability
    - child centredness
  • When was there some fluctuation in long term decline in births
    Baby boom after world wars
  • The dependency ratio
    Relationship between working and non working part of the population
  • Total fertility rate

    The average number of children born to a woman during her fertile years
  • Why has the total fertility rate decreased
    More women's remaining childless
    Women postponing having children and prioritising career
  • How does the aging population affect taxes
    More old people = more dependent on workers = higher taxes for pensions/healthcare
  • Why is the aging population such an issue?
    More old people in the population than young
    Older people consume more services eg healthcare
  • What does Phillipson say about the aging population
    (M) Old are no use to capitalism as no longer productive - state unwilling to support them
  • Hunt - the aging population

    Marketing targets older people through identity loss eg body maintenance
  • Reasons for decline in death rate

    Mckeown - improved nutrition
    - decline in dangerous, manual jobs
    - medial improvements eg NHS 1948
    - life expectancy increased
    Harper - reduction in smoking (replaced by obesity)
  • How does immigration lower average age of population

    Tend to be younger
    More fertile - producing more children
  • Differentiation in types of migrant
    - permanent settlers
    - temporary workers
    - spouses
    - refugees
  • What is acceleration the rate of migration?
    Globalisation - barriers between society disappearing
  • 3 types of migrant according to Cohen
  • What are helots
    Slaves (exploited workers)
  • What are denizens
    Privileged foreign nationals welcomed by the state.
  • 2 types of hybrid identites developed by migrants according to Eade
  • What is assimilationism?
    Encourage immigrants to adopt the language, values, and customs of the host culture
  • What is multiculturalism?
    Accepts migrants may wish to retain separate cultural identity