
Cards (21)

  • What is a social construct?
    Not naturally occuring - created by society and varies by culture
  • Modern western notion of childhood

    Golden age of happiness and innocence - vulnerable and need protection
  • What is separateness?

    Childhood is a clear and distinct life stage - reflected in laws, dress, products and services eg toys
  • Whose theory is separateness?

  • Wagg
    All children go through same physical development - other cultures children seen as equal to adults
  • Benedict
    Children in non industrial societies treated different to modern western children
    - take less responsibility at young age
    - less value on obedience
    - children's sexual behaviour viewed differently
  • Aries
    Childhood has changed - studied paintings
    Before childhood did not exist, children entered work asap
    Now childhood protected
  • 3 reasons childhood has changed according to Aries

    Schools specialise in education
    Growing distinction between clothing
    Books on childbearing available
  • Laws protecting childhood
    Laws applying specifically to children eg minimum wage, sex, smoking
    Child protection and welfare legislation
    Restricting child labour and paid work
    Compulsory schooling
  • Other social changes for the reason for the changes in the position of children
    Declining family size and lower infant mortality rate
    Children's development become subjective to medical knowledge
    Growth of idea of children's rights
    Industrialisation - modern industry needs educated workforce
  • Globalisation of western childhood

    Globalised by international humanitarian and welfare agencies eg campaigns against child labour
  • Postman
    Childhood is disappearing due to collapse of information hierarchy
    Growth of technology gives children access to adult information that would previously had been printed so they couldn't read it - blurs distinction between adulthood and childhood
  • What is information heirarchy?
    Division between those who can and can't access information
  • Evaluation of disappearance of childhood
    Reductionist - places cause on rise of tv
    Opie - childhood is not disappearing but changing - still evidence of spare children's culture eg unsupervised games, rhymes and songs
  • Jenks
    Childhood is changing with postmodernity (instability)
    higher divorce rates - Relationships with children more important to adults identity - children in need of protection and more vulnerable
  • Evaluation of childhood in postmodernity
    Overgeneralising - implies all children are in same position
  • Toxic childhood
    Rapid technological and cultural changes have damaged children's health, emotional and phycological health eg junk food, computer games
    Increase in ADHD, obesity, teen pregnancy
  • Whose theory is toxic childhood?
    Sue Palmer
  • March of progress view of the position of children

    Family has become more child centred - they are focal point of family
    Smaller family sizes - parents invest more financially and emotionally invested in children
  • How has society become more child centred
    Media output and leisure activities specifically for children
  • The new sociology of childhood
    Sees children as active agents who create their own childhoods