Cards (10)

  • Social learning theory suggests that we learn through observation and imitation of a role model.
  • Previous research by Bandura and Hudson found that children will imitate behaviour demonstrated by an adult role model is the model remains present in the situation.
  • Bandura wanted to expand on his previous research by looking at the effect of a role model when the role model is absent, particularly when the model is aggressive.
  • Bandura aimed to investigate whether learning can occur through observation of a model and if this behaviour will be repeated in the absence of a model.
  • Bandura studied 72 children average age of 52 months equal amounts of boys and girls. They were collected using opportunity sampling.
  • Room 1 - children in aggressive & non-aggressive condition went into a room full of toys with the experimenter and started doing crafts, after 1 minute the role model turned to the bobo doll and spent the rest of the time being aggressive (physically and verbally) or non-aggressive with it. This set routine was repeated 3 times.
  • Room 2 - all children (separately) went into a room filled with attractive toys and as soon as the children were engaged in play with them (about 2 minutes) the experimenter took the toys away. This was to ensure all children were at the same levels of arousal before room 3.
  • Room 3 - this room contained various toys including the bobo doll The child was allowed to play for 20 minutes and was observed through a one way mirror using a double blind design in 5 second intervals. The female experimenter stayed in the room but did not interact with the child.
  • Findings:
    • Children in aggressive condition showed significantly more aggressive acts than the non-aggressive or control conditions,
    • Boys imitated more physical aggression than girls,
    • The children seemed to accept the aggressiveness of the male model more easily such as saying things like "that man is a strong fighter".
  • Bandura concluded that behaviors can be learnt via observations of a role model and can be transmitted from one situation to another, children will imitate aggressive/non-aggressive behaviours displayed by adult models even if the adult is not present.