Christmas carol

Cards (10)

  • "Covetous old sinner"-scrooge
  • "solitary as an oyster"-scrooge
  • "Old marley was as dead as a doornail"-Jacob marley
  • "I wear the chains i forged in life"-Jacob marley
  • "Yet a chance of escaping my fate"-Jacob marley
  • "cold as he was,was warmer than scrooge"- bob crachit
  • "my clerk who earns fifteen shillings a week and a wife and family,talking about a merry christmas"
  • "the pudding singing in the copper"-crachits
  • "therefore iam about to raise your salary"-scrooge

    Bob: 'Bob trembled'
  • "a smooth white sheet of snow upon the roof...dirtier snow upon the ground"