Novella was written in response to the Report of Children'sEmploymentCommission which covered the dehumanising & exploitativeconditionschildren were subject to in the Victorianera
The struggles of the Crachits is presented in a compassionateway
TinyTim'sdeath links to the exploitation of childrenduring the era
What is the context of religion?
Religion was the foundation of morality in the Victorianera - 7deadlysins (greed, wrath & pride) to be avoided
Christiansbelieved that Godprovidesindividuals w/ redemption (save from sin) when sin has been confessed
Scroogeembodiessome of the 7deadlysins: greed (want for money), wrath (angry at the world), and pride (ego)
Scroogegrantedredemption through the ghosts
What is the context of the Industrial Revolution?
Change from farming to factories, marked as the 'progressiveera' due to advancements in technology
Dickens scathing (critical) of Britain being the pinnacle (peak) of excellence & progression when it neglects & exploits the lowerclasses
Uses character of Scrooge to critique how 'progressive'Victoriansociety is
What is the context of the 1834 Poor Law?
Introduced the workhouses, poor sent there in exchange for food & shelter
They were hubs of squalor (filth) which exploited the poor
10% of peopleadmitted to them would die
Dickens shows ignorance of those who enforcedlaws like this one through Scrooge in Stave 1
Cratchits & children of ignorance + want provide a smallinsight into how the poor were exploited + dehumanised by laws like this
What is the context of Thomas Malthus?
Britisheconomist who believedpoverty was inevitable (alwaysgoing to happen) due to populationincrease
Dickens makes ScroogeembodyMalthusianview & ridicules this
Scrooge shows these views in stave 1 "prisons ... and the unionworkhouses?"
He is ridiculed by the Ghost of Christmas Present in stave 5 "decreasesurpluspopulation"