by how much had world trade fallen 4 years after the wall street crash?
by 1932, what % of german workers were unemployed?
what happened to unemployment benefits after the depression?
the governmentreduced them.
what were the Nazi's 4 objectives?
overturn the treaty of versailles
eradicate the jews
why did the Nazis gain support?
Hitler'spersonality: he was a strongleader and goodpublicspeaker who travelled the country to give speeches. The population wanted strength in a time of crisis, and the Nazis gave them that.
how did the Nazis grow through intimidation?
the SAfought and eliminatedpoliticalopponents but also protected the Nazis, which gave the Nazis an image of power and authority.
how did the Nazis have a flexible message?
they adapted to differentaudiences: to businessmen the Nazis would solve the greatdepression and fightcommunism. For the workers, the Nazis would give employment and food.
which chancellors could not improve germany's economy?
Muller and Bruning
what % of germany voted Nazi in July 1932?
between April and December 1932, who were the 3 different chancellors?
Bruning, von Papen, and von Schleider
when was Hitler made chancellor?
In what year did the Nazis gain political power in the Reichstag?
when was the Reichstag fire, and who was blamed?
27th February1933, the Nazis blamed a Dutchcommunist.
how did the Reichstag fire advantage Hitler?
it allowed him to pass an emergencydecree which suspended the Weimarconsitution.
what happened as a result of the Reichstag fire?
thousands of communists were arrested and the fear of communism was high.
when and what was the Enabling act?
23rd March1933: it meant that Hitler could make lawswithout the Reichstag.Germany was no longer a democracy.
what happened on the 14th July 1933?
all politicalparties were banned, except for the Naziparty.
when were trade union leaders arrested?
may1933: they were sent to concentrationcamps. After this all tradeunions were banned and all workers were forced to join the GermanLabourFront (DAF).
when and what was the night of the long knives?
30th June1934: Hitler used the SS to purge the SA.400 members were killed, including Rohm as well as other opponents , such as von Schleicher. There was now no internalopposition to Hitler.
when and why did Hitler become Fuhrer?
August 1934: president Hindenburg died. Hitler merged the roles of Chancellor amd President and called his regime the "third reich".