i stood already committed to a profound duplicity of life
my devil had been long caged, he came out roaring
Horror and gothic QUOTES
labyrinths of lamp lighted city
wild cold seasonable night of march
J: reflects character, respect and success
his door wears 'a great air of wealth and comfort''well made, smooth faced man'
H: symbol of insidiousintrigue, point of access, barrier to U
' sinister block of building' 'blistered and distained' 'impression of deformity'
Friendship QUOTES
'became toofanciful for me' L says about J
Religion vs science QUOTES
'satans signature upon a face'
'scientific heresies'
'unscientific balderdash'
Victorian era
freud id is the instinctual part of the brain, stevenson says we shouldnt repress these feelings
Charles Darwin theory made society think what they were capable of. Victorians believed they were superior to other organisms. Thoery of evolution became a hated subject. hyde represents primal, animalorigin of modern, civilised man. attack on religion