
Cards (12)

  • 'i met a traveller'
    detaching himself from the narrative, its someone else's story, linking to Percy Bysshe Shelley's real view on the monarchy that he couldn't say aloud
  • 'antique land'
    suggesting having a ruler is outdated
  • 'trunkless legs of stone'
    material is hard wearing, suggesting he wanted to rule forever
  • 'near them'
    distance reflecting the time that has passed
  • 'shattered visage'
    destroyed over time like the egyptian empire has been
  • 'sneer of cold command'
    the arts live on and can tell us what they were like
  • 'yet survive'
    sculptors work lives on but the humans are lifeless
  • 'hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed'
    mocked, ambiguous meaning, could be Shelley mocking the rulers, or Ramesses II mocking people lower than him
  • 'these words appear'
    volta, no longer about the statue
  • 'look on my works'
    ironic as the statue isn't his work
  • 'I am ozymandias, king of kings'
    biblical reference, thinks he is mighty and God-like
  • 'nothing beside remains'

    emphasises that human life is time bound