What is the Scrooge quote that starts "squeezing, wrenching..." & what is the analysis for it?
asyndetic portrays immoralcharacteristics as ongoing, casting him as an unrepentant (no guilt) "sinner" in S1
7negativeadjectivesmirrors7deadlysins, parallels between Scrooge & the sinsused by D to highlight how rich, symbolised by S, are more inclined towards moraltransgression (go againstmorals) than poor
'squeezing' & 'wrenching'connotesstruggle, Sstruggles to see the detrimentalconsequence of his frugality (stinginess) & thus, his role in perpetuatingsocialinequality
What Scrooge quote that starts "by a sudden action pressed..." & what is the analysis for it?
aggressiveverb "pressed" with the rapidadverb "sudden" delves into S'simmersion in suppressedemotions, reactsirrationallyout of panic, anticipatesprospect of confrontingstifledmemories from past in S2
What Scrooge quote that starts "seized the extinguisher-cap" & what is the analysis for it?
ethereal (delicate) figure, more than symbol of S'spast, supernaturalintervention for S'sspiritualawakening, to place'cap' upon head in futile (pointless) attempt to evadeconfrontingownhumanity & repercussions of his actions
the Ghost'sillumination of past & interconnectednature to present, offersScrooge chance to embark on pathway of redemption (save from sin). however, his attempt to cover the Ghost with the 'cap'signifies his reluctance to embrace this opportunity for redemption
What Scrooge quote starts "Yellow..." and what is the analysis for it?
imagery "yellow" in S3 -> starkreminder of physicalsickness & malnutritionendured by neglectedchildren, consequence of societalneglect & individuals'obliviousness to socialinjustice
encounter between Scrooge & marginalised (insignificant) childrenilluminates their poverty & sufferingcaused by affluentmembers of society, epitomised by characters like Scrooge, whose covetousness (desire for wealth) outweighs their compassion
What Scrooge quote starts "Scowling..." and what is the analysis for it?
animalisticimage: feral & animalisticportrayal of children as they're described as "scowling" & "wolfish", highlights how povertydehumanisesindividuals, stripping them of their humanity & reducing them to less than an animalisticstate of being
alternatively, DickensemploysS as an extension of ignorantwealthy to encounterdehumanisedpoor, illustratingonlyremedy for societal ills is for rich to acknowledge their role in perpetuating (continuing) poverty & dehumanisingimpoverished (poor)
What Scrooge quote starts "I will live in the Past..." & what is the analysis for it?
religiousallusions through concept of "three" could be a biblicalallusion to trinity -> emphasise how threeghosts acted as incarnations of God - relayingmoral & religiousmessagepenetratingdeeply within Scrooge in S4
"withinme" -> internalisation of moralteaching & desperation to have the opportunity to embark on path of salvation & redemption (save from sins)
What Scrooge quote starts "past..." & what is the analysis for it?
juxtaposition between 'past, presentandfuture' -> juxtaposingpassages of timeserve as reflection of starkcontrast between Scrooge'sformeravaricious (greedy) self & his transformation into a person dedicated to redemption, moral & spiritualenlightenment
passage of timeemphasises his realisation of how his attitude in the "past" & "present" was not only perpetuating his 'solitary'existence, but also contributed to the systemic & exploitation of the vulnerable in society
What Scrooge quote starts with "Quite a..." & what is the analysis for it?
Infantilelanguage -> rebirth in S5 "baby" & "schoolboy" connoteinnocence & youth -> Sshowcasing how repenting for sins, regainedyouthfulinnocence & ability to seeworld in untaintedlight
"baby" -> start of life -> Sreborn as has gone from selfish "oldsinner" back to the mostinnocentform of humanlife - ultimaterebirth
In Christianity, rebirth -> spiritualrenewal & connection w/ God -> intertwined in belief in Jesus'srebirth -> salvation to humanity -> Scrooge holds promise of salvation for the poor