Romeo and Juliet

Cards (35)

  • Act 1 scene 1
    Benvolio tells Montague what had happened
  • Act 3 scene 1

    Benvolio tells the prince what has happened
  • Act 5 scene 3
    Friar retells the who series of events
  • Audience sees something happens

    It's retold
  • The continued repetition of events reflects how they are inescapable
  • Prince arrives in act 1 scene 1
  • Prince arrives in act 3 scene 1
  • Prince arrives in act 5 scene 3
  • Intensification through parallel

    The process of events becoming more intense and serious as the play progresses
  • Nurse
    Surrogate parent to Juliet
  • Friar
    Surrogate parent to Romeo
  • Nurse
    • Represents nurturing and comedy
    • Often speaks in blank verse (iambic pentameter) when being nurturing
    • Drops into prose (regular speech) when representing comedy
    • The fact that the nurse uses blank verse shows that she is an important character
  • Nurture
    The nurse nurtures the relationship between Romeo and Juliet
  • Act 2 scene 4
    Juliet sends nurse to meet Romeo
  • Act 3 scene 2

    Nurse who sets up and takes rope ladder
  • Act 3 scene 3
    Nurse sent to deliver a ring and a message to friars cell
  • Act 3 scene 5
    Nurse warns Juliet that her mother is about to enter the room
  • Act 3 scene 5
    Nurse stands up to Capulet saying "you are to blame to rate her so"
  • Friar: '"Within the infant rind of this small flower Poison hath residence, and medicine power"'
  • The quote is ironic as the potion sets Juliet to sleep which indirectly kills her and Romeo but was meant for good use
  • The potion is also a poison that directly kills Romeo and Juliet
  • The quote is foreshadowing
  • Benvolio: '"put up your swords;you know not what you do"'
  • Benvolio's quote
    Similar to Jesus saying "Father forgive them; they know not what they do"
  • Benvolio

    His name translates to peace keeper
  • Benvolio is unable to stop things that are fated to happen
  • Benvolio tries to stop a fight in:
    1. Act 1 scene 1
    2. Act 1 scene 3
  • Benvolio bends the truth in Act 3 scene 1 in order to protect Romeo from death
  • Despite being a religious character and peacekeeper, Benvolio is unable to prevent things from happening
  • 'O happy dagger! This is thy sheath' - Act V, Scene III
  • 'I am fortified against all harms' - Act II, Scene IV
  • 'A pair of star-crossed lovers take their life' - Prologue
  • 'My only love spurns my devoted suit' - Act I, Scene V
  • 'For never was a story of more woe than this of Juliet and her Romeo.' - Prince Escalus
  • 'Death, not Romeo, takes my wife!' - Lord Capulet