The variety of life, refers collectively to variation at all levels of biological organization.
Refers to the full abundance or variety of life.
What does Biodiversity support?
Food Security, Dietary Health, and LivelihoodSustainability.
GeneticDiversity in Food Systems
Promotes foundation of crop development and food security while also promoting resistance and resilience to environmental stresses including pests and diseases in livestock.
Threats to Biodiversity
1.) Habitat Loss
2.) Overharvesting
3.) Invasive Species
4.) Climate Change
5.) Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)
Are species that have been intentionally or unintentionally introduced by humans into an ecosystem in which they did not evolve.
A set of techniques that involves the use of biological processes and living organisms for industry, agricultural, or other activities.
Intended Use of GMOs
1.) Biomedical
2.) Farm/Food Animals
3.) Agriculture
Long-Lasting Papayas
Papayas that are developed in UPLB which are resistant to ring-spot virus or PRSV.
Protein-enriched Copra Meal (PCRM)
Feed protein for Tilapia, milkfish, and shrimp agriculture.
TomatoLeafCurveResistantVariety (ToLCV)
A tomato line developed by IPB and UPLB that is resistant to Tomato Leaf Curl Virus.
Engineered specifically to be resistant to Asian Corn Borer (ACB) and Ostrinia furnacalis.
Risks of GMOs
1.) Genetic Contamination/Interbreeding.
2.) Competition with Natural Species
3.) Increased Selection Pressure on Target and Non-Target Organisms