Foreign policy

Cards (84)

  • 1502 - 1514
    The Young Lion
  • *Parliament met and granted Henry the money to fight France.
    *Government sent an expedition to help the Spanish. The Spanish didn't help England. Ferdinand used English troops to distract France and take Navre.
  • *Henry's navy defeated at Brest, France.

  • 1513
    What year is the Battle of the Spurs?
  • Wolsey managed to organise 30,000 men (equipped) to send to a Calais.
    What was the Battle of the Spurs?
  • *Therouanne and Tournai captured.
    *Henry achieved military glory.

    What were the successes of the Battle of the Spurs?
  • *Thouranne and Tournai were kept at a high cost.
    *Little fighting was actually done.
    *The towns weren't deep into France.
    *David Starkey estimated approx £1-2 million spent.
    What were the failures of the Battle of the Spurs?
  • 1513
    What year was the Battle of Flodden?
  • James IV of Scotland took advantage of Henry being in France and decided to invade. Catherine was in charge and sent the Earl of Surrey with an army.
    What was the Battle of Flodden?
  • *Death of James IV and over 10,000 Scottish subjects killed including nobles.
    *Henry's sister Margaret acted as regent as her son, James was still young. Keeping English interests in Scotland.
    What were the successes of the Battle of Flodden?
  • It wasn't Henry's victory so he could not claim glory for himself.
    What were the failures of the Battle of Flodden?
  • Anglo-French Treaty

  • *The war with France was expensive and Henry was under pressure from his ministers to seek peace.
    *Both Ferdinand and Maximillian had made peace and Henry was fighting alone.
    * The Pope favoured peace so Henry had no choice
    What was the Anglo-French Treaty?
  • *Henry kept Tournai.
    *Received a pension.
    What were the successes of the Anglo-French Treaty?
  • *Had to stop making attempts to claim the French Throne.
    What were the failures of the Anglo-French Treaty?
  • J.J.S The Laughing Stock of Europe
    1515 - 1517
  • 1515
    When did Louis XII die?
  • Francis I

    Who succeeded Louis XII?
  • England would pay for Swiss mercenaries to be led by Maximillian to liberate Milan. However, he was betrayed by Maximillian.

    The details of the treaty signed with Ferdinand and the agreement with Maximillian
  • Due to the Duke of Albany as he replaced Margaret.
    How did England lose influence in Scotland?
  • 1516
    When did Ferdinand died?
  • The Treaty of Noyon with Francis
    What treaty did Charles sign and who with, which left England feeling isolated?
  • Charles of Habsburg

    Who succeeded Ferdinand?
  • 1516
    What year was Princess Mary born?
  • 1517
    When was the Peace of Cambrai?
  • France, Spain and Holy Roman Empire
    Crusade on the Turks
    Who was the Peace of Cambrai signed with?
    What was it about?
  • Left it isolated and could no longer get support from the HRE.

    How did the Peace of Cambrai effect England?
  • Arbiter of Europe
    1518- 1520
  • 1518
    What year was the Treaty of London?
  • The Treaty of London was when Wolsey hijacked the Pope's crusade against the Ottoman Turks. Rulers of Europe signed the treaty.

    What was the Treaty of London?
  • The treaty granted non-aggression between the powers and collective security.

    What did the Treaty of London entail?
  • Two days after the Treaty of London.

    When was the Anglo-French Treaty signed?
  • *Henry and Wolsey both got pensions from France.
    *French influence in Scotland was to be limited.
    *Mary to marry eldest son.
    What were the successes of the Anglo-French Treaty 1518?
  • Tournai was given back
    What were the failures of the Anglo-French Treaty 1518?
  • 1519
    What year did the Holy Roman Emperor, Maximillian, die?
  • There was a power vacuum the two candidates were Charles of Burgundy and Francis I. Charles won votes

    What was the significance of the death of Maximillian?
  • 1520
    What year was the Field of Cloth of Gold?
  • Was set up to safe guard the Treaty of London. Meeting between Henry and Francis. It was intended to reduce hostility and secure friendship and secure peace. 3,000 nobles were present from both France and England?
    What was the Field of Cloth of Gold?
  • *He achieved international glory.
    *It was cheaper than going to war.
    *Made England look as if it were equal to France.
    What were the successes of the Field of Cloth of Gold?
  • No agreement was made.
    Charles V was not invited so it looked as if England was siding with France.

    What were the failures of the Field of Cloth of Gold?