book 1 - Aeneas tells his men 'the kingdom of Troy shall rise again'
book 1 - Jupiter tells Venus about the 'walls of Mars' which Romulus will build
book 2 - Hector instructs Aeneas to 'look for a great city to establish'
book 2 - Creusa tells him to go 'where the Lydian Thybris flows'
book 4 - Aeneas explains to Dido that he must go to Italy to found a race, even though he would rather return home and rebuild Troy
book 6 - the Sibyl talks of the Tiber foaming with blood, in a reference to the war with the Latins
book 8 - Aeneas' visit to Pallanteum embodies the theme of new cities
Pallenteum is on the site of the future Rome, providing familiar topographical and cultural references to the city
cultural references: the Capitol, Aventine, Carmental Gate, Asylum, Lupercal, House of Tarpeia
Virgil makes a comparison with Augustan Rome: there were cattle everywhere, lowing in the forum and the 'now luxurious district of the Carinae'
the shield shows Rome, in particular, the temple of Apollo
there are possible allusions to Rome throughout the narrative
the head of a horse found when Carthage was being built (bk 1) perhaps alludes to the foundation myth that a head was found buried on the Capitol in Rome
the ghostly heroes exercising in the Elysian Fields in book 6, 642-644, and the men in Latinus' city, 'training chariot teams in clouds of dust' (bk 7), recall the Campus Marts of Augustan Rome
book 6 - Aeneas pronounces that he will 'build a temple to Phoebus and Diana'
Octavian himself had built a temple to Apollo on the Palatine, and moved the Sibylline books there