Cards (17)

  • Rome itself is referred to explicitly
  • book 1 - Aeneas tells his men 'the kingdom of Troy shall rise again'
  • book 1 - Jupiter tells Venus about the 'walls of Mars' which Romulus will build
  • book 2 - Hector instructs Aeneas to 'look for a great city to establish'
  • book 2 - Creusa tells him to go 'where the Lydian Thybris flows'
  • book 4 - Aeneas explains to Dido that he must go to Italy to found a race, even though he would rather return home and rebuild Troy
  • book 6 - the Sibyl talks of the Tiber foaming with blood, in a reference to the war with the Latins
  • book 8 - Aeneas' visit to Pallanteum embodies the theme of new cities
  • Pallenteum is on the site of the future Rome, providing familiar topographical and cultural references to the city
  • cultural references: the Capitol, Aventine, Carmental Gate, Asylum, Lupercal, House of Tarpeia
  • Virgil makes a comparison with Augustan Rome: there were cattle everywhere, lowing in the forum and the 'now luxurious district of the Carinae'
  • the shield shows Rome, in particular, the temple of Apollo
  • there are possible allusions to Rome throughout the narrative
  • the head of a horse found when Carthage was being built (bk 1) perhaps alludes to the foundation myth that a head was found buried on the Capitol in Rome
  • the ghostly heroes exercising in the Elysian Fields in book 6, 642-644, and the men in Latinus' city, 'training chariot teams in clouds of dust' (bk 7), recall the Campus Marts of Augustan Rome
  • book 6 - Aeneas pronounces that he will 'build a temple to Phoebus and Diana'
  • Octavian himself had built a temple to Apollo on the Palatine, and moved the Sibylline books there