The leading scientific explanation, for how the universe began, which states that the universe started with a small, hot dense, something called a singularity, which then expanded and coal to form stars and galaxies
Who put forward The Big Bang Theory
A Belgian priest called George Lemaitres
What are the two pieces of evidence used to support the Big Bang?
1) the red shift - suggest that galaxies planets and stars are moving away from each other. This means that if the universe is found to be expanding then if we put the history of the cosmos into rewind then eventually all that exists would be collected into one tiny points, such as a singularity.
2) CMBR -scientists have detective cosmic microwave background radiation from all parts of the universe. Therefore, the remnant of radiation could be detected from something such as the Big Bang theory.
What are other scientific theories about the origin of the universe?
Steady state theory that suggests the universe has always existed, but has expanded and contracted
What is important about the Big Bang theory which helps liberal Christians believe in it
First theory, which states that the universe is not eternal. It must have had a beginning, and many would say that this was God.
Why might Muslims believe in the Big Bang theory?
1) can be seen as the work of Allah
2) can be additional proof of Allah and Allahs nature of being omnipotent
3) parts of the Quran agree with the theory, and as it is divine and infallible everything within it is true,
4) doesn't go against any teachings in it
What did God create on each day according to genesis one
1) heavens, earth, light darkness
2) water and sky
3) land and plants
4)sun, moon,stars
5)sea and sky creatures
6)land animals and humans
How long did creation take?
6 days - on the 7th day God rested
Why is there a repeating reference of water in genesis 1
It was a symbol of danger and by God "walking over the water" it is implied that he made it safe for all
Why would Muslims accept the BBT?
-can be seen as the work of Allah
-can be additional proof of the omnipotence of Allah
—parts of Quran agree with it and as it is divine and infallible it must be right
-doesn't go against teachings in the Quran
Why might some Muslims disagree with the BBT?
-Quran says creation took 6 days but BBT implies it was over time
So if you interpret this literally then it contradicts the Quaran which is divine and infallible and can't be contradicted
What is significant about creation taking 6 days and God resting on the 7th day?
Number 7 is a divine number which symbolises perfection showing the world God made is perfect
What do fundementalists say about the theory of evolution?
- Believe that the Bible is the true voice of God and is therefore infallible Therefore the universe was created by God in six days according to Genesis Plant life on day 3 and other creatures on days 5 and 6 .
-Fundamentalist Christians reject the theory of evolution because it is in conflict with scripture Science states that evolution requires millions of years- but the earth is only 6000years old according to the literal interpretation of scripture
-Evolution suggests that species have been created that are not good and have therefore had to evolve It's clear from Genesis that God stated it was good he was pleased with what he saw after each act of creation
What do Liberal Christians say about the theiry of evolution?
-Argue that Genesis is not intended to be a literal account of what happened , it is clearly a poem written to celebrate God's goodness and power
- The story of creation in Genesis is symbolic e.g. the number 7 symbolizes completeness and perfection
-The author did not intend to convey that God created in 7 literal days Genesis was never written to tell us how the universe was made- but rather why it was made
-Accept that God may very well have created life as we know it through evolution Pope Francis stated evolution presupposes needs the presence of beings that evolved i.e. Evolution requires belief in God since the theory cannot explain where the first life forms came from that then evolved
-Catholics believe that although the body may have evolved the soul never evolves since it is immediately given by God Catechism
What does the theory of evolution state?
All the different species as we know them have evolved over millions of years from common ancestors that are simple life forms
Is it possible to believe in both the BBT and religious teachings in the origins of the universe?
Yes as:
-narrative style of bible meaning it shouldn't be taken literally
-Muslims believe they go hand in hand (singularity + expanding of world)
No as:
-Fundamentalists believe in the bible literally and it contradicts science (time taken for creation)
-atheists don't believe in religious teachings
Why might some people be against abortion?
-fetus has a right to life a(basic human right article 2 from 1988)
-sanctity if life (life is a gift by God and only he can take it away)
-pro life arguments (supports fetus has a right to live)
Why might some people be for abortion?
-woman has the right to choose
-quality of life needs to be taken into account
-pro choice (supports right of mother to choose)
Chatholic view on abortion:
-Believe that life begins at the moment of conception Human life should be respected and protected from the moment of conception (Catechism )so therefore abortion is considered murder and the 10 commandments teach "thou shall not murder" (Exodus)
-Life is sacred from the moment of conception "you knit me together in my mother's womb" ( Bible) this shows us that life starts in the womb
-According to Catholics , the purpose of sex is to procreate The Bible states "Be fruitful ond multiply" Therefore abortion abuses this purpose since it is terminating the new life .
-Pope Francis said that adoption ia always a better option in the case of unwanted pregnancies
Christian views of Abortion (methodists)
-Life is sacred gift from God ) Therefore abortion is to be avoided and is undesirable but "it is simoly not possible to identify the moment human life begins"
-follw the example of Jesus who was kind and compassionate so in times of rape/severe disability abortion may be more compassionate and so is permitted
-abortion could be the lesser of two evils if it could save the mothers life
Muslim views of abortion:
-Wrong and 'haram' (forbidden) in most cases
BUT allowed if mothers life is at risk or will face severe mental/physical harm as her life is prioritised
-if abortion occurs it must be before ensoulment occurs
-allowed if fetus will be born with a disability or is a product of rape
-abortion cannot take place in cases of poverty
How do Christian's say we should treat the world?
With kindness and compassion as it's the world God made and gave our dominion and stewardship over
What do viable and abortion mean? Viable:a foetus that is developed enough to survive out of the womb. Abortion:the deliberate and premature termination of a pregnancy
What do
aweandwondermean?Awe:feeling of respect mixed with the feelings of fear and wonderWonder:marvelling at the complexity and beauty of something
What does the bible say about taking care of the environment?
Must take care of the planet
- when harming the planet we steal from other creatures and future generations-God has made a good world since he is omnipotent and omnibenevolent so we should respect and protect / sustain the world-humans have been given a duty to care and protect the planet / nurture it-humanity’s role is to protect and sustain the planet (stewardship)
What does the Pope say about taking care for the environment? + what is
Laudato Si-we all have a duty to take care of our planet as it is“looking more and more like a immense pile of filth”Laudato si- was a letter written to all of mankind meaning“praise be to you”
What are the key messages from Laudato si?
P- the poor are affected first and the worst. R- we must reject the idea that we have total dominion. I- “the world our home is looking more and more like an immense pile of filth”. D-destroying the environment is declared a sin. E- ‘eco- conversion’ we must convert to care for our planet. S-we share our world so share this problem
1)Are they allowed to eat meat ? 4)Would they agree with intensive animal farming?
2)Are there any restrictions on what animals or meat can be eaten ?
3)Can they be vegetarians or vegans?
1) yes after the flood of Noah - everything in the world is for them
2) No but animals should be treated kindly
3) yes as they have a choice for what they can do (free will granted by God)
4) No as Christian's have been granted dominion and stewardship over all and should use it wisely by taking care if all to the best of their ability
1)Are they allowed to eat meat ? intensive animal farming?
2)Are there any restrictions on what animals or meat can be eaten ?
3) can they be vegans or vegetarians?
4)Would they agree with
1+2) Yes as long as it has been killed according to Shariah law so is halal —> meat is killed in the name of God using a sharp knife and draining the blood ——> can eat pork
3)yes as they have been granted free will by God so have a choice as to what they can do
4) suffering should be kept to an absolute minimum so through this as animals suffer they'd disagree
Christian Views on the Environment
● Genesis states that God has given humanity dominion over creation- this means they are appointed stewards and have ultimate responsibility over creation cceptable
● Reinforced in Genesis which states that Adam was placed in the garden to ' cultivate and guard ' it . His role is to nurture and protect the environment
● The commandments teach Do not steal When humans generations and animals of their right to live in a healthy production and deforestation we are robbing future damage the earth through pollution , littering , plastic planet .
●The bible is clear that God made a good and perfect world Genesis states that after each day of creation , God was pleased with what he saw —>This implies that Any damage to the planet is our fault- not God's
●Pope Francis states in his encyclical Laudato Si that Christians must reject ' the idea that they have total' that abuse the earth as they want. Rather we share our ' common home and he has declared damage to the environment a ' sin ' .
Muslim Views on the Environment
- Allah has appointed humans as stewards ( khalifah ) of creation . They are to protect and sustain the environment for future generations and animals . The Haddiths state "Live in this world as if you were going to live forever"
-believe that humans have been appointed as trustees and guardians striving to maintain harmony and balance in the world, The Quaran states "it is he who has made you the successors of the earth"
-the world is considered a mosque + damaging it is a sin
-where damage to the environment (caused by humans elf pollution) leads to dart it is considered haram
-Islam condemns greed that leads to over exploiting the earths resources e.g overfishing, disposal of single use plastics —> "do not seek more than what you need"
Christian Views on Animals for
Foodandanimal experimentation• Believe animals were created by God and must be cared for. The Bible states, 'the righteous care for the needs of their animals'
• BUT only humans are made in the 'image of God' (Gen) and have souls so their lives hold more value.
• The Genesis creation stories (Gen 1 and 2) show that originally, God intended humans to eat plants, 'I have provided all kinds of grain and all kinds of fruit for you to eat..'
• However, after the Fall of humanity, God allows humans to eat meat. God says to Noah in Genesis 9, 'everything that lives and moves about will be food for you' - although these animals had to be 'clean' (following Jewish law)
• In the New testament, Jesus removes the classification of 'clean' and 'unclean' so all animals including pork (pigs) is acceptable.
• Many Christians accept animal testing where there is no alternative since human life is sacred and must be protected.
Muslim Views on Animals for
Foodandanimal experimentation• Believe that animals were created by Allah and their existence worships him. The Qur'an states, 'There is not a single thing that does not celebrate his praise'
• Teaches respect and compassion towards animals, 'All creatures... are communities like yourselves' (Qur'an)
• Teach that Allah has provided animals for human use, 'It is God who provides livestock for you, some for riding, some for food'
• BUT abuse of animals is considered haram e.g. factory farming, keeping animals in cages, battery hens etc- these are all unnecessary cruelty and so forbidden.
• Look to the example of Muhammad who treated animals with care e.g. he cut off part of his cloak rather than disturb a cat + told a man to return eggs to a mother hen who was in distress.
• Allow the eating of animals as long as it has been slaughtered according to Shari'ah law and is halal. The animal is slaughtered in a humane way.
• Not permissible to eat pork which is haram.
• All suffering of animals must be kept to the minimum. Animal testing is allowed only where absolutely necessary e.g. testing for cosmetics is not allowed. 'Whoever kills a sparrow...without a just cause, God will hold him accountable on the day of Judgement
Hindu Views on Animals for
Foodandanimal experimentation(*helpful as a contrast since Christian and Muslim views are very similar)• All animals contain a 'spark' of the Divine i.e. contain an element of God. It is believed that the Supreme Being (Brahman) is present in every part of the natural world. Therefore, God is a part of the world, he is not separate from it.
• Animals are believed to have souls- just as humans do and therefore many Hindus are vegetarian.
• Live by the principle of 'ahimsa' which means reverence for all created things.
• Hindu sacred text Manusmriti states, 'one must give up eating meat' since 'killing is contrary to ahimsa'.
• This is enforced by the fact that many of the Hindu gods are animals themselves or are protected/ transported by animals who ride on them.
• Hindus do not tend to be vegan- they accept the use of animal products and some allow the eating of animals that are not cows (their most sacred animal)
• Hindus disagree on animal testing. Some argue that it is acceptable as long as there is no testing on the animals associated with their gods. However, animals do still have souls so they should not be harmed where avoidable.
What do
dignity ,voluntary euthanasia,involuntary euthanasia,active euthanasia,passive euthanasiamean ?Dignity- the idea that we have worth and should be respected. As humans we have the right to be tread with dignity to be respected by others and have pride
Voluntary euthanasia- an all person asks for assistance to die or refuses treatment which is keeping themalive
Involuntary euthanasia-the patient isunableto make such a request and the decision regarding their death is made by family/ doctors
Active euthanasia - deliberately ending the life of someone who is seriously Ill—> illegal in the uk
Passive euthanasia - allowing an illness to take its natural course. Medical assistance is removed/doctor gives a pain relieving drug to tackle the pain but that will eventually end their life