Water cs

Cards (15)

  • Australia, Murray Darling
    Supplies water to 60% of Australia
  • Bolivia
    Privatisation of water to a TNC from France
  • China, North to South Water Transfer Project

    44.8 bn transferred
  • California, Drip irrigation
    25% of land profitable for agriculture
  • Bedzed, Sutton
    Shared cars, solar panels, 100 homes
  • New Delhi, India
    1/5 Income is spent on water
  • Israel, Holistic Approach
    86% of water sewage is recycled, supplies 50% of water
  • Aral Sea, 1960-1998
    Volume shrank by 80%, 40 million live in Aral Sea region
  • Coke case study, Rajasthan
    3 litres of water for 1 litre of Coke
  • Nile River
    6700 km long, 10% of African countries are dependent on it, starts in Sudan
  • Colorado River, USA
    Built dams, Mexico has polluted river, 10% reduced flow from climate
  • El Nino, California
    Intense rainfall, 80,000 hungry in South Africa
  • Sahel region, 1968
    10,000 died due to famine, 45% of income was lost
  • Australia, 2001-2009
    12% decrease in agriculture
  • Pakistan, 2016
    55% of homes destroyed, Monsoon season, diseases