the soldier

Cards (12)

  • 'the soldier'
    the definite article represents the ideal soldier
  • 'think only this of me'
    imperative ordering people to have this idea of a soldier
  • 'if i should die'
    acceptance of death and willingness to die in battle
  • 'some corner of a foreign field'
    makes it seem unimportant until the soldiers die there
  • 'rich earth a richer dust concealed'
    the remains of his body are superior to the ground he lies in
  • 'a dust whom England bore, shaped, made aware'
    England made him who he is today
  • 'her flowers to love'
    personifies England being feminine, emphasises the love
  • 'washed by the rivers, blest by the suns of home'
    foreign land cleansed by English soldiers
  • 'a pulse in the eternal mind'
    suggests his presence in the soil of foreign land will always live on
  • 'gives somewhere back the thoughts by England given'
    giving back to their country by giving their lives
  • 'England'
    repetition shows the pride and patriotism involves with dying for his country
  • 'English heaven'
    suggests England is like a paradise and to die there would bring peace in him