
Cards (17)

  • When was the Western Rebellion (Prayer Book rebellion)?

    June- August 1549
  • Who was the leader of the Western Rebellion
    Humphrey Arundel
  • Motive for the Western Rebellion?
    -Religious grievances over the new Book of Common Prayer
    -Resentment over religious reforms and the way it was destroying how people experienced religion
  • Where did the Western Rebellion take place?
  • What reasons did peasants have in joining the Western Rebellion?
    Resentment over sheep tax
  • How many peasants were killed as a result of Somerset's anger in the Western Rebellion?
  • When was Kett's Rebellion?

    July 1549
  • Where was Kett's Rebellion?

    East Anglia
  • What were the causes of Kett's Rebellion?
    -Collapse of the cloth market and angry peasants who resented the Norfolk fold course system
    -Hatred of government officials
  • What was the Norfolk fold course system?

    The right to graze sheep on an enclosed piece of land but some landowners denied peasants this right
  • What did the south not have to calm the Kett rebellion?
    A strong aristocrat
  • Who was sent to calm the Kett rebellion but failed?
    Earl of Northampton
  • After Earl of Northampton failed, who did Somerset send to suppress the rebels?
    Earl of Warwick (Northumberland)
  • How many rebels were killed in the Kett Rebellion?
  • What was Northumberland praised for in his dealings with the Kett rebellion?
    Giving fair trials
  • How many rebels were executed after trial in the Kett Rebellion?
  • The Western and Kett Rebellion led to what happening to Somerset?
    His downfall