sonnet 43
Created by
erin fern
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Cards (12)
'how do i love thee?'
sets up a question to answer, first person intimate poem
'let me count the ways'
suggests she has many ways and reasons for loving him
'depth and breadth and height'
weighty concepts suggesting her love is comprehensive
'ends of Being and ideal Grace'
a gift from God to make up for the poor relationship with her father
love thee to the level of every days'
her love is never ending
'most quiet need by sun and candle-light'
her love for her husband is a necessity as he brings light to her life
'i love thee freely'
referencing her eloping with her husband, feeling free without her father
'men strive for Right'
referring to religion and being morally correct and wholesome
'as they turn from praise'
she loves Robert honestly and selflessly and doesn't expect anything returned
'childhood faith'
faith she lost overtime as she lost hope in God
'love i seemed to lose'
lost love from family and feeling the inability to love again
'breath, smiles, tears of all my life'
she uses every part of her to love him, they are together through every aspect of their lives