
Cards (12)

  • What is inflammatory response?
    Part of innate immune system that responds to infection and in particular, tissue injury
    1. Mast cells (regulate immune response) stimulated by damaged tissues (mechanical/chemical) secrete substances eg. complement proteins, histamine and heparin.
    2. Heat, redness and swelling caused by increased blood flow and fluid movement from capillary into area. Stimulated by histamine.
    3. Heparin prevents clotting. Fluid clot forms over injury site to prevent pathogen entry to healthy tissue
    4. Complement protein attract phagocytes which consume cell debris and micro-organism
    5. Tissue damage stimulate nociceptors-> feel pain in inflamed area
    6. Mitosis form new cells, repairs damaged tissue
  • what do mast cells secrete?
    heparin, histamine, complement proteins
  • what causes heat, redness and swelling?
    Histamine; increases blood flow and fluid movement from capillaries into area
  • what does heparin do?
    forms a fluid clot over injury site to prevent pathogen entry
  • where is pus formed?
    dead phagocytes and their contents, and tissue fluid
  • signs of inflammation?
    swelling, pain, redness, heat
  • what do dilated blood vessels cause?
    increased blood flow into area-> redness , heat and brings more nutrients and oxygen into area.
    • heat: increases metabolic rate of tissue cells
  • what does histamine cause?
    increase blood flow through area -> capillary walls more permeable -> fluid filtered from blood
    • causes: heat, redness
    • escape of fluid from blood: swelling
  • what causes swelling?
    escape of fluid from blood
  • purpose of chemical released by mast cells ?
    attract phagocytes
    • macrophages and leucocytes actively consume micro-organisms and debris by phagocytosis
  • what does tissue damage stimulate?
    nociceptors -> pain