A letter, number or symbol on a given character set
A sequence of characters
Changing the data type of a variable
Count-controlled loop
A loop that repeats a specific number of times (FOR loops)
Condition controlled loop
A loop that runs until a condition is met (WHILE loops)
A value that might need to change while the program is running
A value that would not need to change while the program is running
Improve readability and are easier to update
A block of code that performs a specific task
Collections of pre-written subprograms for specific purposes
Local variable
A variable that is declared inside a function or procedure so can be accessed within the subprogram
Global variable
A variable that can be accessed from anywhere
Functions return a value
Procedures do not return a value
A data structure with one or more elements of the same type (have a fixed length only contain elements of the same data type)
A position within an array
1D array
An array that stores data in one direction (horizontal)
2D array
An array that stores data horizontally and vertically (indexed with two numbers)
It is good to close files after use as it frees up resources, prevents corruption and flushes the buffer
Gives remainder
Shows how many times x goes into y (23 DIV 5 = 4)
Boolean operator NOT
The opposite of the input
Boolean operator OR
If one side is true then the output is true
Boolean operator AND
Both sides have to be true for the output to be true
Iterative testing
Testing in stages
Final testing
Testing after implementation
Modifying an input to make it valid
Overflow error
An error that occurs because a value is too large for the program to handle
An image stored as an array of individual pixels
An individual picture element
The amount of detail an image holds
The equation for size of image is Width * Height
Colour depth
The number of bits allocated to represent each pixel's colour
Increasing resolution and colour depth
Gives a greater quality image but increases file size
The equation for File size is File size = Width * Height * Colour depth. File size is measured in bits, Width and Height are measured in pixels, Colour depth is measured in bits.
Includes file name, file format, colour depth, resolution
Increasing bitrate
Causes more detailed audio but more storage required
Recording a signal at regular intervals
Sampling frequency
The number of samples obtained per second (Hz)
Increasing sampling frequency
Gives a truer digital signal to the original but a greater file size