
Cards (9)

  • Bacteria
    Single cell organisms characterised by shape
  • Virus
    Infectious agents, too small to see with light microscope
    • depend on living cells (host) for reproduction; not alive: cant replicate own genetic material
    • Either DNA or RNA -> surrounded with protein coat
  • immunity
    Ability to resist and overcome infection and disease
  • Disease
    Any condition which impairs or has potential to impair normal functioning of an organism or part of it
  • COmmunicable Disease
    Transmissible infection disease
  • pathogen?
    Disease causing agent/organism
  • Vector
    Immediate host carrying pathogen
  • Contact
    Either direct contact with infected person or indirect contact with something they touched.
    eg) fluid-like lesions- million copies of pathogen and itchy-> prompt scratching; allow spread to new host upon touch
    eg) indirect: beddings, towels, coins
  • characteristics of bacteria?
    single cell
    lack organelles
    cell wall of sugar and AA
    variable shapes