AO1 Disinhibited Attachment

    Cards (10)

    • Who conducted a study on the types of attachment amongst children growing up in institutionalised care?
      Zeanah et al.
    • What did Zeanah et al. do?
      Used the strange situation to assess the attachment types of 95 children between 1 and 3 years old who had spent most of their lives in institutionalised care
    • What was the control group in Zeanah et al.'s study?
      50 children who had never experienced institutionalisation
    • What percentage of the institutional group was securely attached?
    • What percentage of the institutional group was classified with disorganised attachment?
    • What percentage of institutionalised children fit the description of disinhibited attachment?
    • What percentage of control group fit the description of disinhibited attachment?
    • Disinhibited attachment is a type of disorganised attachment
    • What are the characteristics of disinhibited attachment?
      Overly friendly behaviour towards unknown adults
    • What is an explanation for disinhibited attachment?
      An adaption to living with multiple caregivers during the sensitive period for attachment formation. In poor quality institutions like Romanian orphanages, a child might have 50 carers, none of whom they see enough to form a secure attachment