capital punishment

Cards (7)

  • what is the Muslim belief on capital punishment?

    -most Muslims agree with it
    -some disagree and want it abolished
  • why do most Muslims agree with capital punishment?

    -Quran says death penalty can be used for some crimes
    -i.e. murder, adultery etc
    -"Take not life, which God hath made sacred, except by way of justice and the law." Surah 6:151
    -According to Quran can only be used as last resort so innocents aren't at risk
    -When prophet Muhammed was ruler of medina he sentenced people to death for murder
  • why do some Muslims not agree with capital punishment?

    -Recommended in Quran but not compulsory
    -other options available as punishment for criminals
    -Muslims believe in sanctity of peace and life which conflict with death penalty
    -Shar'iah law says that in certain circumstances, the family of a murder victim can accept money from the murdered rather than requiring the death sentence.
    - wrong person may be convicted and executed, which goes against Qur'an: "Take not life, which God hath made sacred, except by way of justice and the law." Surah 6:151
  • what are humanist views on capital punishment?

    -disagree with it
    -No court system can be sure that the correct verdict is always given.
    -Statistics show that those countries which do not use death penalty have a lower murder rate
    -doesn't act as deterrent
  • what are atheist views on capital punishment?

    -some disagree some agree
  • why might atheists agree with capital punishment?

    - If people know they will lose their life if they murder someone, it will act as a deterrent and there will be fewer murders
    -The only retribution for taking a life is to have your life taken too.
  • why might atheists disagree with capital punishment?

    -Every human being has worth and dignity. It denies Article 3 of Universal Declaration of Human Rights - the right to life.
    -Capital punishment does not act as a deterrent.