When were the Newcastle proposals released July 1646
When did Charles reply to the Newcastle proposals Feb1647
What did the original newcastle proposals include (3) - Parliamentary control of the military for 20 eyars - Agreement to solemnleagueandcovenant - Abolitionofbishops with religion to be controlled by parliament
How did Charles want newcastle proposals changed (3) - Reduction in parliamentary control of the army to 10 years - Prebyterian church of only 3years - A complete pardon of his supporters in the First Civil War
How did Charles negotiate with Scotland - Intentionally surrendered to scotland - Scots wanted an agreement to solemnleagueandconvenant for Scottish support for the army, charles refused to negotiate
What happened as a result of Charles refusing to negotiatewithScots Charles was handed to Parliament in exchange for £400,000 in February1647
When did Parliament push to disband the New Model Army and why In February 1647 as a result of unrest in counties
what did the push for disbandment of the new model army result in - Armyrevolt of 1647 as soldiers wanted pat in arrears and guarentee of amnesty before they were disbanded - Army mutinied on the 31st May 1647 and captured Charles
What did the army publish after their capture of Charles RepresentationoftheArmy
What did the representation of the army demand (3) - Parliament to be dissolved - Liberty of conscience - Parliaments to sit for a fixedlength
How did Charles and the Army negotiate following his capture - August1647'Heads of Proposals
What was included in the demands of the Heads of Proposals (3) - Biennial parliaments - Parliamentary control of the army for 10 years - Bishops power reduced and replaced by liberty of conscience
Why did the Heads of proposals fail (2) - Delay from charles - Charles knew his tactic was working - Divisionsinthearmy, proposals were submitted by officers who were less radical than the soldiers
What were the three causes of the emergence of radicalism -ReligiousVacuum - Collapse of Censorship - PoliticalMobilisation
What as the religious vacuum in terms of a cause for radicalism - Collapse of church of england with its traditional hierarchy creating a vacuum that radicals began to fill
What was the Collapse of Censorship's effect on the growth in radicalism (2) - Freepress developed and radicalideas could be expressed - Radical pamphlets published challenging religiousauthority
What was the effect of Political Mobilisation on the growth in radicalsim 1/10 men conscripted to the army, bringing all of their opinions with them
Where did the levellers emerge from Originated from PuritanPamphleteers who believed in liberty of conscience
What were the levellers beliefs (4) - Freedom to choose how to worship - Against Solemnleagueandcovenant - Believed government should be accountable to peoplenotking - Believed in an extended franchise with all men being able to vote
What text did the levellers in the army produce to represent their aims and when Agreement of the people in October 1647
What were the main points in the agreement of the people (3) - Biennialparliaments - MPS' to be elected by allmen - Parliament to have supremeauthority over the land
What meeting occured as a result of the levellers increasing presence and radical aims and when did it occur Putney Debates - November1647
What did the Putney debates indicate - Exposed divisions in ideology between the rankandfile who wanted the agreement of the poeple and the generals who wanted the headsofproposals
How were the levellers repressed - Every soldier had to sign declarationof loyalty to the ArmyCouncil
State the causes for the Second Civil War (3) - Charles - Scottishdivisions with parliament - Unhappiness with parliamentary rule
How did charles cause the second civil war Escaped custody on the 11thNovember1647 and feld to Isleofwight
How did the scottish divisions with parliament cause the second civil war - Scots dissatisfied with parliaments lack of introduction of presbyteriansim as agreed - Charles signed theengagement in december1647 starting the war
What did the engagement on the 27th December 1647 agree to - England would have prebyterian worship for 3years
State the key chronological events in the Second Civil War and their month/date - Windsorprayermeeting - April1648 - Royalistuprisings in Essex + Kent - June 1648 - Battle of preston - August 1648 - Surrender of Colchester - August 1648
What occured at the windsor prayer meeting - Grandees accepted their duty to 'call Charlesstuart, that man of blood, to an account for that blood he had shed
What occured at the Battle of Preston on August 17th 1648 (2) - Scottish engagers commanded by DukeofHamilton met NMA at Preston, NMA was 9k with scots at 18k men - Hamiltons army surrrendered on August 25th with only 100 NMA men killed
What were the impacts of the Second Civil War (3) - NewModelarmyStrenghtened as they believed they had divine providence - NewModelArmyradicalised - windsorprayer meeting for example - Charles' position was now limited
What occured on the 5th December 1648 to trigger Prides PurgeParliamentrefused to discuss the Agreement of the people in favour of continuing to negotiate with charles
When Was Prides Purge 6thDecember1648
What occured during Prides Purge - Colonel pride marched 1,000 men into commones - 110 members were barred from entering the commons leaving the radicalrump MP's remaining
When was charles executed 30th January 1649
When was Charles I put on trial - Put on trial on the 1st January, trial began on the 20th