What evidence do we have for Christian characters demonising Jews?
Jewsbanned in England1290 - mid-1500s & minority during Elizabethan period were barely tolerated
E.g in M of V Antonio does not deny insulting and spitting on Shylock
Why would have Shakespearean audiences during the Elizabethan period despised Shylock?
Depsite being involved in various trades, Jewsrenowned for occupations as usurers(lendingmoney at interest rates)
As a dispisedpracticeamong the Elizabethans, Shakespearean audiences would have also scornedShylock as an unconverted & alienJew
How would have Shylock’s downfall been met with different responses?
In ElizabethanEngland, people seeking cultural homogeneity (things staying the same) would have found solace (comfort) in observing the coercedconversion of Shylock, especially those who believed in eternaldamnation of non-Christians
How is the belief that Jews had animosity (hatred) towards Christians (in order to find any way to harm them) reflected in M of V?
Considered inconceivable (beyond belief) for a Jew to retaliate against their persecutors, which is the exactcourse of action taken by Shylock
Consequently, it was not uncommon for Renaissance (classical revival) comedy to feature a Jew as the primary antagonist
However it could still be viewed that Shylock’sportrayal is lessstererotypical than typical for the time of Shakespeare
How does the reputation of Venice impact the M of V?
At the time, Venice was a commercialport & one of the richesttradingcities in the world
Therefore, trade would have been an essential aspect of Venice’s economy, imperative (important) to provide equalprotections to merchants of allreligions & nationalities
However, prejudice and intolerance would have been common
E.g. the Prince of Moroccoexpects to be met by Portia with a negativeresponse to his skincolour & declares: “Mislike me not for my complexion”