Why is important to consider the convention of sentimental (prompted by feelings of tenderness) friendships during the Renaissance period?
The viewing of the friendship between Antonio & Bassanio
What evidence do we have for Bassanio & Antonio’s relationship?
In 16th century England, platonic, passionatefriendships between men were commonality
E.g. Antonio’s help in Bassanio’s pursuit for Portia’s love is his way of showing love for his friend
What evidence do we have for arranged marriages in M of V?
Marriages in the Elizabethan era, especially among the aristocracy - but also extending to the middle & lower classes - were frequently organised between families
This was done to benefitbothparties and marriage was highlyinfluenced by factors such as money, status & alliances
What evidence do we have for the oppression of women in M of V?
Women had noinfluence over who they were to marry & were obliged to comply w/ their parents’ (particularly fathers’) decision
E.g. Portia unable to choosehusband -> must comply with her father’swill
What evidence do we have the progression of modern marriage in M of V?
As Europe moved towards modernisation, there arose a newideal of marriages based on mutualattraction & love
Therefore, traditions surrounding courtship & marriage went through substantialchanges
What evidence do we have for the power of paternal (the fathers’) authority in M of V?
In Venetian culture, paternalauthority was held in highregard & considered to be sacred
E.g. any rebellion against it ran severeconsequences, e.g. death although uncommon
E.g. sons who disobeyed their fathers were typically disowned or sent into exile, whereas daughters were often locked up or sent to convents
Why was Jessica’s conduct (ran away for Lorenzo) perceived as one of the worst things to happen to an orthodox Jewish community?
E.g. Shylockdeclaration that he would rather see Jessica dead, along with the stolen ducats, is plausible (likely) and reflects this perspective