Context: Love & Friendship

Cards (7)

  • Why is important to consider the convention of sentimental (prompted by feelings of tenderness) friendships during the Renaissance period?
    • The viewing of the friendship between Antonio & Bassanio
  • What evidence do we have for Bassanio & Antonio’s relationship?
    • In 16th century England, platonic, passionate friendships between men were commonality
    • E.g. Antonio’s help in Bassanio’s pursuit for Portia’s love is his way of showing love for his friend
  • What evidence do we have for arranged marriages in M of V?
    • Marriages in the Elizabethan era, especially among the aristocracy - but also extending to the middle & lower classes - were frequently organised between families
    • This was done to benefit both parties and marriage was highly influenced by factors such as money, status & alliances
  • What evidence do we have for the oppression of women in M of V?
    • Women had no influence over who they were to marry & were obliged to comply w/ their parents’ (particularly fathers’) decision
    • E.g. Portia unable to choose husband -> must comply with her father’s will
  • What evidence do we have the progression of modern marriage in M of V?
    • As Europe moved towards modernisation, there arose a new ideal of marriages based on mutual attraction & love
    • Therefore, traditions surrounding courtship & marriage went through substantial changes
  • What evidence do we have for the power of paternal (the fathers’) authority in M of V?
    • In Venetian culture, paternal authority was held in high regard & considered to be sacred
    • E.g. any rebellion against it ran severe consequences, e.g. death although uncommon
    • E.g. sons who disobeyed their fathers were typically disowned or sent into exile, whereas daughters were often locked up or sent to convents
  • Why was Jessica’s conduct (ran away for Lorenzo) perceived as one of the worst things to happen to an orthodox Jewish community?
    • E.g. Shylock declaration that he would rather see Jessica dead, along with the stolen ducats, is plausible (likely) and reflects this perspective