How does Bassanio reflect power & wealth during the play?
“I have disabled mine estate” - A1S1
This is while he is speaking to Antonio
Is admitting how he squanderedAntonio’sinheritancemoney
Bassanio additionally belongs to nobility (upper-classman)
Shows that Bassanio is “bad” with money
“I have disabled mine estate” - A1S1 - Word-level analysis
Technique: assonance in “have”, “disabled”, and “estate”
Creates rhythm within text in order for the reader to interpret the sentence in the way the authorintended by making clear which vowel sound should be stressed
How does Bassanio reflect love & friendship during the play?
Shows the closerelationship between Bassanio & Antonio -> explains people hypothesising that Bassaniocloseness with Antonio; Antoniooverlooking his badrelationship w/ money-> could be because Antonio is a homosexual
2perspectives of love: Love homosexually or brotherlylove & friendship
“To you Antonio, I owe the most, in money and in love” - A1S1: Word-level analysis
Superlative: “most” -> Badmitsnotable to payloans, now asks for anotherloan in order to make everythingrightonce and forall -> tells Antonio that he’ll marry a richwoman (Portia) -> claims that he’ll not just paybackall the money but will also settledebts
“most” -> owes Antonio a considerable amount
“most” and “money” -> alliteration -> sets the tone for the “poundofflesh” -> constantowing of money
“money” -> abstractnoun -> refers to concept -> and shows how loyalAntonio is to his friend
How does Bassanio reflect justice, prejudice and wealth in M of V?
“Ilikenotfairtermsandavillain’smind” - A1S3
When Sagrees to loan of 3000ducats to B,he mentions that if the payment is not made back to him in good he will take a “pound of [Antonio’s] flesh” -> without anymention of interest/money back -> therefore Bassanio feels very reluctant to go through with the deal by stating this
Reflects that he isn’t entirely selfish & does take A into consideration -> doesn’tlike the terms of the bond
S takes B'sreaction as a jokehowever B does nottrust his character
“I like not fair terms and a villain’s mind” - A1S3 - Word-level analysis
“fair” and “villain” -> juxta. -> S’s personalities in context of each other -> good & evil
“fair” -> ‘good’ terms (not crazy amounts of money) -> return for 3000ducatsSnotbothered about payed back money -> still emphasisespound of flesh
‘good’ terms juxtaposed by “villain’s” mind -> (technique) foreshadowsS does show himself to be villain when later on asks for pound of A’sflesh (wants to kill him) -> reader an implication on what to come -> highlights distressingevents to come while plot relatively calm
2. How does Bassanio reflect power & wealth during the play?
B at P’shome (choosing 3 caskets) -> justifies notchoosinggold based on appearance -> ends up choosing the correct casket (lead)
Proverb saying (aphorism) -> widely acceptedtruth -> witty -> trust w/ reader, engagement & persuades reader of writer’sargument -> people show themselves out to be glitzy, beneathsurface is opposite (“leastthemselves”)
“deceived” - ppl misguided by appearance of surface-level things -> doesn’t want to be misguided by that
“The outward shows be least themselves: the world is still deceived with ornament” - A3S2 - Word-level analysis
Assonance of “be”, “least” and “themselves”
Creates rhythm within text in order for the reader to interpret the sentence in the way the authorintended by making clear which vowel sound should be stressed
“worldisstilldeceived” -> hyperbole -> saying that everybodyexcept himself is deceived by outwardappearances which leads him to pick the correctcasket -> adds comedy to a mundanesubject in order to be taken seriously
How does Bassanio reflect prejudice & love during the play?
Spoken in iambicpentameter -> Shakespeare only use this device w/ the upperclass
Implying that there is nomistake/downside of our characters that’s as bad as choosing & picking things based on their externalappearance
“There is no vice so simple but assumesSome mark of virtue on his outward parts” - A3S2 - Word-level analysis
Sibilance of “sosimple” -> Draws attention to this phrase in particular, the negativeatmosphere here is created to the emphasise the weakness in men
Oxymoron of “vice” and “virtue” -> vice meaning immorality (bad qualities) whereas virtue is the opposite being highlymoralqualities
3. How does Bassanio reflect wealth & power during the play?
“AllthewealthIhadraninmyveins” - A3S2
Claims honesty and the fact that he’s always been a goodgentleman to Portia
However admits he is notrich because he squanderedall his money
Wealth is personified by running through his veins -> telling Portia that she should be aware that he doesn’tnotown a lot of money -> his only redeemingquality is himself/ my body -> creates depth within the text by giving a voice to an otherwisesilenttopic -> allows reader to become more fullyimmersed in the text, maximisingengagement
How does Bassanio reflect justice & mercy during the play?
“How unwillingly Ileftthering” - A5S1
justifies givingawayring he promised -> repeats“ring” (epistrophe) -> panicked -> Not only drawseye of the reader on the page, but the phrase has more emphasis when read
Ppretends to be angry w/ him
Declarativesentence -> fact, feeling or mood -> pleading w/ P & emphasisesloyalty, explaining he had to giveaway to pay backlawyer (P = dramaticirony), savedA whilst S asking for p of f -> long sentence frustrating for reader, helps the writer furtherdevelop a tone in their writing