First Past the Post

Cards (3)

  • Used in England (for general, mayoral and pcc elections) and has a winner takes all approach where voters elect a local MP with one ballot. Typically leads to a two party system
  • Advantages
    + Delivers a strong and stable government, 2019: 365 seats (56%)
    + Provides a clear winner and is easy to understand, 2019: declared within 24 hours
    + MPs can have closer links to constituency
    + Limits extremist parties
  • Disadvantages
    • Results in safe seats and uncompetitive elections. North Shropshire for 200 years, around 250 seats haven't changed in 70 years
    • Leads to two party system
    • You can win without 50%, 2017: 43% but 56% of seats
    • Not representative for smaller parties, UKIP got 4 million votes but only 1 MP in 2015