they are both refugees and noble leaders of their people
they have both lost their spouse
both are manipulated by the gods
both are founding cities
both are from rich places characterised by gold and rich textiles
in similes, they are Apollo and Diana, the divine twins
woman and man
Carthage and Rome (destined to be enemies)
childless and father
passionate and resrved
wild wind and a solid oak
some suggest and allusion to Cleopatra and Antony
Dido is a capable leader, who leads the foundations for her new city in bk 1
she is also a victim
her brother, Pygmalion, murdered her husband, Sychaeus
Juno and Venus manipulate her for their own purposes
is it because of Cupid's arrow or her own passion for Aeneas?
manipulated by her own sister's advice
manipulated by Iarbas, potential suitor
of Rumour who presents to the world, a sordid affair rather than the marriage Dido believes herself to have entered into
Aeneas leaves her
the foundation of the Roman race
Fate gives her no part
she fits the model of a heroine from a Greek tragedy: she is a good woman who makes a wrong decision, after which, she is condemned
she prays to the gods for their approval
she carries on and marries Aeneas, unaware of the consequences of her action
she realises that she has been deceived, and sees death as the only way out
bk 4 is given over almost entirely to her
we wait outside for her to appear for the hunt, as a bride is awaited on her wedding say
we listen to her speeches and are aware of her suicide plans when she is deceiving everyone else about what she is doing
Octavian, later known as Augustus (63 BC - AD 14)
After the death of Caesar, Octavian avenged his adopted father's death and eventually, after a struggle with Mark Antony, became the first emperor. When he assumed complete control in 27, he took on the name Augustus
Mark Antony (83-30 BC)
the main adversary of Octavian after Caesar's death. He allied himself with Cleopatra and fought Octavian for the leadership of Rome. He was defeated at the Battle of Actium