Cards (34)

  • book 1, book 4, book 6
  • has much in common with Aeneas
  • they are both refugees and noble leaders of their people
  • they have both lost their spouse
  • both are manipulated by the gods
  • both are founding cities
  • both are from rich places characterised by gold and rich textiles
  • in similes, they are Apollo and Diana, the divine twins
  • woman and man
  • Carthage and Rome (destined to be enemies)
  • childless and father
  • passionate and resrved
  • wild wind and a solid oak
  • some suggest and allusion to Cleopatra and Antony
  • Dido is a capable leader, who leads the foundations for her new city in bk 1
  • she is also a victim
  • her brother, Pygmalion, murdered her husband, Sychaeus
  • Juno and Venus manipulate her for their own purposes
  • is it because of Cupid's arrow or her own passion for Aeneas?
  • manipulated by her own sister's advice
  • manipulated by Iarbas, potential suitor
  • of Rumour who presents to the world, a sordid affair rather than the marriage Dido believes herself to have entered into
  • Aeneas leaves her
  • the foundation of the Roman race
  • Fate gives her no part
  • she fits the model of a heroine from a Greek tragedy: she is a good woman who makes a wrong decision, after which, she is condemned
  • she prays to the gods for their approval
  • she carries on and marries Aeneas, unaware of the consequences of her action
  • she realises that she has been deceived, and sees death as the only way out
  • bk 4 is given over almost entirely to her
  • we wait outside for her to appear for the hunt, as a bride is awaited on her wedding say
  • we listen to her speeches and are aware of her suicide plans when she is deceiving everyone else about what she is doing
  • Octavian, later known as Augustus (63 BC - AD 14)

    After the death of Caesar, Octavian avenged his adopted father's death and eventually, after a struggle with Mark Antony, became the first emperor. When he assumed complete control in 27, he took on the name Augustus
  • Mark Antony (83-30 BC)

    the main adversary of Octavian after Caesar's death. He allied himself with Cleopatra and fought Octavian for the leadership of Rome. He was defeated at the Battle of Actium