How does Shylock reflect wealth & power in the play?
“Shipsarebutboards, sailors but men” - A1S3 -> ships (made of wood back then) could break at sea
Approached by B (S = moneylender, B looking for loandeal of 3000ducats)
Based on A’sgoodname -> security
S wants to makesure that Apaysbackducats & asks the quote
Slisting out the reasonsAbanking on everythingfine is notvalid if shipwreck -> foreshadowingnewsA’sshipswrecked at seaand bankrupt
BreassuresS that A’sincome from ships at sea will help to payoffloan
“Ships are but boards, sailors but men” - A1S3 - Word-level analysis
Sibilance of “ships” and sailors” -> attention to phrase & creates negative atmosphere of what is to come
Repetition of conjuction/connective“but” -> clear that this in particularimportant to text; drawseye of reader while simultaneouslyemphasisingimportance of the idea -> proves S to be a cleverbusinessman by questioningB and A’snonchalance -> explains why he is able to make money by asking ‘clever’questions
How does Shylock reflect prejudice & intolerance in the play?
“I hatehimfor he isaChristian” - A1S3
This is where welearn why ShylockhatesAntonio
Hates him because Antonio is horrible to him but also because he is a Christian in general
“I hate him for he is a Christian” - A1S3 - Word-level analysis
Alliteration in “hate”, “him”, and “he” -> shows the passion & intensity in Shylock’sanger against Antonio
Sets the tone of the play (prejudice), drawseye of reader & emphasises the phrase
The starkdeclarativesentenceleaves the audience in nodoubt about the depth of Shylock’shatred. The reason for this hatred is evident in the sentenceconstruction; the conjunction "for" links the twoclauses together and shows how the hatred is inextricablylinked to religion.
How does Shylock reflect wealth & love?
“My ownflesh&bloodtorebel” -> A3S1
Shylock realises that Jessicahateshim & has runaway from him -> realises she has stolen his jewels & money & cannotbelieve it
“My own flesh & blood to rebel” - A3S1 - Word-level analysis
Exclamatorysentence -> shows Shylock’sshock, can’t believe Jessica could betray him that way
“Flesh & blood” - metaphor -> drawsattention of reader by engaging their imagination in the interpretation of the metaphor -> more manageableimages in the readersmind, promptingengagement -> Salienated & isolated -> bloodimportant to S as well, defininglink between him and Jessica
Made to believe that bloodbindsJessica to her father -> tries to betray their bloodties -> connection will continue, dictates her Jewishidentity
2. How does Shylock reflect prejudice & intolerance?
“I am aJew.Hath not aJeweyes?” A3S1 -> Why he hatesA -> sympathy for S
Monologue -> provides audience w/ detail about a character + plot point -> explains & progresstext’s storyline -> stating reasons ppl don’tlike him which is simply down to the fact that he is a Jewish man -> expressing people dehumanise him -> makes us question why people would mistreat him based on their heritage/colour of skin
Reveals the stupidity of Antonio (+ others) treatment of Shylock based on his Jewishheritage
Society feels sympathy for his mistreatment
“I am a Jew. Hath not a Jew eyes?” A3S1 - Word level analysis
Simplesentence“IamaJew” -> creates urgency -> realise how irrationalsociety is just because he is Jew
Rhetorical“HathnotaJeweyes?” -> subtlyinfluences the reader & persuadesargument -> promptsdeeperthought in reader -> asking people why Jews aren’t humans like everyone (sub-human)
Repetition of the propernoun“Jew” -> motif -> repeating it, clearimportant to text -> drawseye of reader while simultaneouslyemphasisingimportance of the idea -> focusanti-Semitism from A + others -> Jew & can’tcontrol it
2. How does Shylock reflect justice & mercy?
At the end, he realises that he isn’tgoing to get the pound of Antonio’s flesh -> therefore he ends settling for his 3000ducats back
“Shall I not have barely my principal?” A4S1
“Shall I not have barely my principal?” A4S1 - Word-level analysis
Assonance in “shall”, “have”, “barely” & “principal” -> rhythm in text & allowsreaders to interpret a sentence the way the authorintended by making clear which vowel sound should be stressed
Shylock is asking for what is his -> being denied it -> he never gets that principal -> basically asking if he could at leastreceiveback the money he loaned -> however never even gets it back, ends up losingmore than that -> therefore, arguably, his money was stolen from him -> shows us that Shylock is very victimised in society
What is principal?
The originalmoney that anybody that you’re loaningmoney from, that’s the original sum that they give you