Giving a ring to Bassanio, in which shetells him that he cannotpart from it (token of my love) -> you have to make sure you lookafter it
A3S2 - “This ring… when you part from, lose or give away…ruin…” - Word-level analysis
Tricolon - structural technique - “partfrom, lose or giveaway”
Increases the impact of a writer’s statement by creating a clear rhythm to a sentence
Bond w/ B -> ringrepresents their love -> shows how she is notwilling to let him have fullauthority over her as she is commanding him, telling him what to do & threatening him
How does Portia reflect wealth, power & prejudice?
“Mylittle bodyisawearyofthisgreatworld” - A1S2
Fedup of father’swill & constantgroups of men trying win her hand in marriage -> she has massiveinheritance -> contextually, at the time, women were counted as the property of husband, anybody who married her inherited everything she owned including her as a person
Really exasperated with the will her father has leftbehind; she can’tmarry who she wants, she’s still waiting for the rightperson to comealong who’s going to pick the rightcasket
“My little body is aweary of this great world” - A1S2 - Word-level analysis
“Little” & “great” -> oxymoron -> drawsattention of the reader, in this case her anger & annoyance at how her father is still controlling her beyond his grave; the element of confusionoxymoronscreate causes readers to stop & ponder the meaning of the phrase
How does Portia reflect prejudice & intolerance?
HopingPrince of Moroccopickswrongcasket, P states “Hehavetheconditionofasaintandthecomplexionofadevil” - A1S2
While play is ‘comedy’, are prejudices during time: anti-Semitism from A & characters viewing S as villain
However, it is Prince of Morocco: from Africa & not dark-skinned, tannedcomplexion; P shows she utterlydislikes him bc he is darkskinned -> even if Prince of Morocco was the bestperson ever, he has complexion of darkerskinned person
Shakespeare’stime, moredarkerskinned, more“devil” you were
“He have the condition of a saint and the complexion of a devil” - A1S2 - Word-level analysis
Oxymoron of “saint” & “devil” -> drawsreadersattention; element of confusion they create causes readers to stop & ponder the meaning of the phrase
“Saint” -> referring to a holy, goodperson
Skin shade of a “devil”
1.How does Portia present power & love?
Portiapledging that everything that is mine is now yours because she has marriedBassanio
Contextually shows that she has accepted to be Bassanio’s property because when womenmarriedmen during this time they were considered to be the man’s property
“Myself and what is mine to you and yours” A3S2 - Word-level analysis
Women as the man’sproperty emphasised in the pronouns“myself” & “mine”; Portia is saying I will be your property and emphasises this further by saying the pronouns“you” & “yours”
Her completegift of selfunderlies the famousspeech on mercy in the courtroomscene, but it is withheld at the end of the scene, when she puts mercyaside to renderjudgment.
2. How does Portia reflect power & love?
When Portiareveals that the ringtrick was a joke, Bassanioangrilyquestions why Portia is taking the fool out of him, and she says “Speaknotsogrossly; youareallamaz’d”A5S1
She is asking Bassanio to stop speaking so badly because it was a joke, expressing why they aren’t amazed that she was able to not only fool the men as a man (Balthazar) but she was also able to (disguised as a man) save Antonio’slife by interpreting the contract
Shows that Portia is very intelligent & witty
“Speak not so grossly; you are all amaz’d” - A5S1 - Word-level analysis
Sibilance in “speak”,” so”, & “grossly”-> drawsattention to Portia, used to create a negativeatmosphere
Caesura in “;” -> gives choppy & dysfunctional tone, simultaneouslyincreasesreading pace -> increasingpacebuildstension, therefore helps to relay feelings of frustration or confusion to a reader
Assonance in “areallamaz’d” -> creates rhythm in text, allows readers to interpret a sentence the way to authorintended to by makingclear which vowel sound should be stressed