alcohol is a depressant which causes slowerreactiontimes
the short term affects of alcohol are slowreactiontimes, reduced inhibitions, lack of self-control and a lack of judgement
the long term consequences of excessive alcohol consumption are cirrhosis of the liver, where the liver tissue is replaced by scartissue, livercancer and also causes the brain to become soft and pulpy
it is dangerous for pregnant women to consume alcohol because alcohol passes across the placenta and can cause stillbirth, low mass and premature birth
alcohol can also cause foetalalcoholsyndrome where the baby is born with brain damage, facial deformities and kidney, liver and heart problems
other consequences of excessive alcohol consumption include aggression and fights, loss of control and accidents when drink drivers crash due to slow reaction times
its illegal to sell alcohol to under 18s because the liver and brain arent fully developed so they are more likely to become damaged