What Fred quote starts "all in a..." & what is the analysis for it?
Demploysmotif of light in S1 -> enlightenment in novella -> F as a beacon (guidance) of hope for Scrooge'sredemption
Foil (character used to accentuatetraits of the maincharacter) to S -> highlights his misanthropic (dislikesothers) & miserly (stingy) tendencies
Juxtaposition -> emphasises S'sremarkabletransformation -> by S5Fserves as benchmark for Scrooge'smoralrebirth, allowsreader to measure the extent of his positivechange
What Fred quote starts "His offences..." & what is the analysis for it?
Biblical allusion in S3 -> "punishment" -> deepunderstanding of morality -> recognisesS'simmoralitiesnot his to judge -> higherpowerjudge -> alignsF w/ divineorder -> solidifiesportrayal as paragon (example) of virtue -> refuses to condemnS
Embodiment of forgiveness -> despiteS'smisanthropy and parsimony (selfishness) -> Dsuggestsmorality is to do w/ inherentqualities not class -> F as paragon for upper-classcapable of compassion -> upper-class like Scrooge need spiritual & moralrebirth