Cards (2)

  • What Fred quote starts "all in a..." & what is the analysis for it?
    • D employs motif of light in S1 -> enlightenment in novella -> F as a beacon (guidance) of hope for Scrooge's redemption
    • Foil (character used to accentuate traits of the main character) to S -> highlights his misanthropic (dislikes others) & miserly (stingy) tendencies
    • Juxtaposition -> emphasises S's remarkable transformation -> by S5 F serves as benchmark for Scrooge's moral rebirth, allows reader to measure the extent of his positive change
  • What Fred quote starts "His offences..." & what is the analysis for it?
    • Biblical allusion in S3 -> "punishment" -> deep understanding of morality -> recognises S's immoralities not his to judge -> higher power judge -> aligns F w/ divine order -> solidifies portrayal as paragon (example) of virtue -> refuses to condemn S
    • Embodiment of forgiveness -> despite S's misanthropy and parsimony (selfishness) -> D suggests morality is to do w/ inherent qualities not class -> F as paragon for upper-class capable of compassion -> upper-class like Scrooge need spiritual & moral rebirth