Plant hormones

Cards (14)

  • Tropism is the response of a plant to a specific stimulus
  • Phototropism is the response of a plant to light
  • Gravitropism is the response of a plant to gravity
  • Auxin
    A plant hormone which controls the growth of a plants shoots and roots
  • How do plants show positive phototropism
    • One side of the shoot is in the light, causing the auxin to move to the shaded side - not much auxin is found on the light side
    • At the shaded side the cells elongate
    • The shoot finds the light
  • Shoots are
    Positively phototropic and negatively gravitropic
  • Roots are
    Negatively phototropic and positively gravitropic
  • How do plant roots show positive gravitropism
    • Auxin produced by the root tip diffuses to lower side of the root tip
    • The root curves and bends in the direction of gravity (downwards)
    • As a result, more water and nutrients are available to the plant roots
  • Uses of auxins
    • Promote cell division - In meristems and enlargement of daughter cells
    • Tissue culture - Used to produce clones of plants
    • Selective weed killers
  • Gibberellins are hormones that initiate seed germination
  • Uses of gibberellins
    Seed germination
    Fruit growth
  • Ethene is a type of plant hormone involved in fruit ripening
  • Bananas produce ethene
  • How does phototropism help a plant to survive
    Plant receives more light
    More photosynthesis
    The plant produces more glucose